Chapter Four - Explain

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You found yourself at the river, a small stand in the distance. You had thrown away your drink.

It was high noon, and you wanted lunch.

Walking up to the stand, you saw a short bald man.

"H-Hello." you greeted.

"Welcome to my Oden Stand. Hey, are you going to eat with that on, idjit?" he said.

You took off your surgical mask and he began to serve you oden.

"You're the first customer I've had in a while.. Actually, let me get something really quick."

The man stepped off the little platform and took out a 'Missing Person' Poster. He examined you closely and then the poster.

"(Y/N), that's your name, isn't it?"

You stopped eating the oden and glanced up. You groaned in defeat.

"Yup, that's me. What are you going to do, send me to the police?" You taunted.

"Well, no, actually."

You were a little surprised, but went back to eating the oden.

"You know, Ichimatsu and-"

"Who's Ichimatsu?" you bluntly said.

Chibita's eyes widened.

"You.. you don't remember him." he whispered.

You gave up trying to lie and let out a defeated sigh.

"I do remember him, it's just that I hate him now. I've been hating him for the past four years." you stated bluntly, and continued eating.

"What'd he do?" Chibita asked.


Footsteps were heard from your left and you saw them.

Ichimatsu, Choromatsu, and Karamatsu.

You quickly got up to leave. Taking out your purse you paid him for the Oden.

"Thank you for the oden, Chibita."

"W-Wait, (Y-Y/N)-!" he nearly yelled.

Before he could continue, you were already leaving.

You groaned inwardly when you realized you would have to walk past the three to go back the way you came.

Pulling up your hood up and putting on the mask you started walking.

You walked fast past them.

Well, you almost did.

Karamatsu grabbed your arm.


Grabbing you, he spun you around so you had to face him.

"Oi, Shittymatsu, what are-"

"(Y/N), what do you think you're doing?"

"(Y/N)?!" exclaimed Choromatsu.

You reached into your purse and took out pepper spray, making Karamatsu immediately back off.

"You don't know me. I don't know you." you muttered.

This time Ichimatsu grabbed your arm when you tried to leave.

"Let go of me." you grunted.

"No. Tell me.. tell me why you left!" Ichimatsu yelled, grabbing you by the shoulders. His lidded onyx eyes full of confusion and sadness.

"Why? Why?!" you shoved him off of you. Anger began bubbling inside you, and it wouldn't stop.

"Because you think I'm just some toy! Some thing to just keep around when that girl isn't with you! I thought I loved you, I thought you cared about me, but now we're over!" you said, angrily.

"Why didn't you just-"

"Let me guess, why didn't I just kill myself?!"

"(Y-Y/N).. is that wasn't.." he tried to say, but you were too riled up.

"I was planning to stay away for well more than 4 years, but now... now I'm back here again!" your voice wavered. "Just leave me alone! She explained it crystal clear to me! I'm just some side-girl to you!"

"Ichimatsu what is she talking about? What did you do?" Choromatsu said.

"LISTEN!" Ichimatsu yelled.

He grabbed your shoulders firmly.

"Me and that girl were never together in the first place! I've.. I've been looking for you all these years, (Y/N)! I would search for you everywhere! When I saw the note, I broke.. Did you even realize how depressed I had become? I even skipped meals to go look.. All these years.."
his voice was angry and loud in the beginning, but was now a pitiful whisper.

Your eyes widened at him. You didn't consider how he'd feel at all. You thought he would just shrug you off and forget about you.

"Now.." he continued, a cynical smile crept its way to his face. "Now I can bring you home! Where you belong!" he said, a creepy sing song voice in his tone.

"What do you mean? I live with my roommate now. We're over, Ichimatsu." You said, pulling away.

Ichimatsu looked distraught. "W-What do you mean?" he said.

"Ichimatsu, she's moved on, now." Choromatsu said.

Karamatsu was just glaring at you for breaking his heart.

"W-What?" Ichimatsu stammered.

"I'm sorry, Ichimatsu. It's probably better this way.."

"W-Wait! (Y/N), wait! J-Just one date! A-At the park?" he said hopefully.

You sighed.

"Fine. One date." You muttered, before walking away.

"Found" (Yandere!Ichimatsu x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ