I saw Harry and Ron walk in and I couldn't help but feel bad. Harry hadn't talked to me in what feels like forever. We shared eye contact for a while and I could see he was sorry too. Wasn't the time to talk though. We were about to be announced.

I heard the doors swing open, and walked right after Cedric and Cho. Draco led me down the aisle made by the clapping people to both my left and right. I was too focused on what people could be thinking to walk on my own. I was always too focused on that.

I was brought back into the moment when we stopped walking, and Draco turned to face me. "Are you okay? This one dance and then we can leave okay?" He said under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear.

I knew that wasn't possible. Everyone would notice if a champion left... wouldn't they? I went against my logic and nodded anyways. By now, my arm was healed, so Draco could hold my left hand and I could put my other hand on his shoulder.

The music immediately started playing with no smooth transition. We started dancing, and at first it felt rushed, but it calmed after a second or two. I was so focused on spinning and shifting our arms that I forgot that he was supposed to pick me up. When he did, I giggled, not loud enough for everyone to hear but loud enough for Draco to hear.

"Did you just giggle?" He asked under his breath.

"You tickled me." I replied, slightly embarrassed.

"You're ticklish?"

"Are you saying there are people who aren't ticklish?"


"Many liars."


"I don't believe that anyone can't be ticklish."

"Well you believe wrong." Just then he had to pick me up again, making me giggle yet again.

"Are you ticklish?" I asked.



"I'll let you challenge it later. Let's get through this dance. We're almost done."

I realized that with our silly conversation, I had almost forgotten about the crowd around us, who were now so busy trying to dance themselves to even look at Draco and I. Say what you will about Draco, but he knew exactly what to do to make me feel better, and in this case, it was distract me.

After the traditional dance, a rock band came in and immediately the atmosphere changed. Draco took me to the side and asked, "So what will it be? Do you want to stay?"

"I'll stay, but only if you get us some drinks." I smiled.


"Yes, please." He smiled and me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving.

Immediately I regretted letting him go, leaving me alone. I didn't know where Raven or Sarah were, so I would just have to awkwardly stand here until Draco got back. I can't believe I let him talk me out of being a book.

I saw Harry and Ron sitting with one of their dates in the corner of my eye. I needed to say sorry to Harry anyways. I hesitantly walked towards them, every step was a struggle.

Eventually, I got there, and I sat down next to Harry. Harry and I looked at each other for a bit, waiting for one of us to talk first. Before either of us could say a word, Hermione came and sat on a chair.

"Hot isn't it? Viktor's gone to get drinks. Care to join us?" She asked.

Not letting Harry or I voice our opinions, Ron replied, "No, we'd NOT care to join you and Viktor."

"What's got your wand in a knot?" Hermione asked.

"He's a Durmstrang. You're fraternising with the enemy." Ron declared.

"The enemy?? Who was it wanting his autograph? Besides, the whole point of the tournament is international magical cooperation, to make friends." Hermione reasoned.

"Hmph, I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind." Ron added.

In a fit of rage, Hermione walked off. "Can I talk to you alone, Harry?" I asked.

"Sure." He relied.We went off to another table and sat down.

"I'm sorry." We both said at the same time.

"I know you didn't want me to go with Draco, but I know he's a good guy. He's just been influenced by horrible people."

"If you say so."

"You'll see. I promise."

"So when you said we should take it slow. You meant not at all?"

"Harry I..."

"It's fine. I'm over it."

"If you say so."

"My life doesn't revolve around you, you know?"

"I know that, but.."

"But nothing."

"We just made up. You really want to start fighting again?"

"Just don't stay stuff that you don't mean."

And with that, he went off. I didn't dare follow him. I needed to give him space. I needed to have space. I headed outside and sat on a bench.

I sat there for a bit, and then decided it was best if I met Draco inside, but before I could get up, I was put to sleep.

Almost Christmas!!

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