Every goodbye is a new beginning

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"I knew his world moved too fast and burned too bright. But I just thought, how can the devil be pulling you toward someone who looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you?" -Taylor Swift


"I guess... this is it then?" Said Andrew looking down. I nodded and stayed silent. I tooked a deep breath and closed my eyes shut trying to hold back the tears. My chest felt tight and there was a knot in my throat making it impossible for me to speak. "Blake,I never wanted to hurt you." he said taking my cold hands into his warm ones. "No... its not about that, Andrew." I said looking up at him. I knew exactly what he was talking about. Andrew and I had been together since we were juniors in high school. Our relationship was like any other; we had arguments, good and bad times but what made it special was the fact that no matter what we faced we trusted each other one hundred percent. I loved him like I had never loved anyone before, he was my best friend. One time during our relationship he actually did cheat on me but I forgave him because he pleaded and swore it wouldn't happen again. Ever since then our relationship became unstable. Trust issues surfaced and caused us to drift apart and we became strangers to each other. "You know I love you, Andrew." I said. "but i just can't do this anymore... We are only hurting each other." I said. "I know you feel the same way about it." I said and he nodded. "You're right." he said looking down. There was an awkward silence and Andrew still held on to my hands. "do you still remember when we met?" he asked. I looked up to him and smiled. "At the parking lot in school.... you almost ran me over with your beast of a truck." I said laughing. "How am I supposed to just forget that near death experience? not to mention you broke my skateboard." I added. "Well you were such a Tony Hawk back then, but what did you prefer? broken skateboard or broken neck?" he asked smirking. "I guess.... if I hadn't been in a rush to class.... none of that would of happened.... and we would have never. ..." I said and suddenly I was cut off by Andrew's lips. "Don't say it!" he said as he kissed me. "Andrew...." I said and the tears began to fall. "Good bye..." I whispered. "Blake...." he said. "I have to go." I said and stood up. "Blake... wait!" he said and stopped me. I turned to face him and we locked eyes. His icy blue ones with my brown ones. "This is yours." he said as he tooked off a silver chain with an oval locket. He placed it on my hand and turned to walk away. I looked down at the necklace and fought the tears that threatened to spill. That was the last time I saw Andrew. I heard from people that he went and joined the military, and after that I decided to move to New York.

Fix You (Loki fan fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon