Guys Night.

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Robin's POV

"Bye guys!" I hear Starfire say before me and the guys leave.

As we leave the tower, Beast Boy looks at the ground. I wonder if Raven blew off the date?

"You ok, Beast Boy?" I ask him. He keeps looking at the ground, then he finally answers.

"Yea..." He replied, still not taking his eyes off the ground.

"He's just worried about the date tomorrow," Cyborg explains.

"Ok. So where do you guys wanna go first?" I ask.

"How about we get pizza?" Cyborg says. That took Beast Boy's head off the ground.

"Yea!" Beast boy says.

As we get to the pizza place, we take our orders. Beast Boy gasps for a sec at something. So I ask him.

"What's wrong?"

"L-look behind you, bro...." He says.

I turn around and see Terra and Jinx walking down the sidewalk. Beast Boy looks scared to death right now.

"Come one," I say as we get up and hide in an alley way waiting for them to pass by.

"I hear them. Be quiet," Cyborg says waiting for them to pass by also.

Beast Boy's breathing heavy. Cyborg covers his mouth, and they were about to pass by when they stopped. Terra was telling Jinx something, but what? I make a signal for them to follow me, and they do. We walk further down the alley way where I can at least whisper to them.

"Ok guys, they could be talking about a plan, so we need to eavesdrop a bit to see if they are. Got it?" I ask them, and they nod I'm agreement.

----- Eavesdropping----

"I don't know, Jinx. I kinda miss being with Beast Boy," Terra says.

"C'mon! You have got to be over him!" Jinx says.

"But, he has that smile no one can ever forget, and he's hilarious too!" Terra continues. "And he's just amazing!"

"Geez... forget about him, or at least try!" Jinx says and then they walk away.


"Well...." Beast Boy says looking a but confused.

"Dude... that's messed up!" Cyborg says.

"You got that right," I say giving them a symbol to move out.

As we move out of the alley way, Beast Boy says something.

"Hey... dudes, I think I'm just gonna go home...."

"WHY?!" Me and Cyborg say at the same time.

"I'm just not feeling it tonight...." As he walks back to the tower, me and Cyborg let out a sigh and follow him back.

I Need You. (Beast Boy x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now