Am I Falling For Him?

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Ravens POV

A few hours later, I fall asleep. I apparently woke up at 4 A.M. I was a bit hungry. I went into the kitchen, and I was a bit shocked at who I saw in the kitchen. Beast Boy. He noticed me and smiled.

"Hey, Raven," He said quietly.

"Hey," I say back.

"Why're you up so early?"

"I'm hungry...." I reply.

"Me too." he agreed.

I float into the kitchen and use my powers to levitate the stuff I want. I could feel Beast Boy staring at me. I slightly turned my head, just not enough for him to turn away. He snapped out of it and went into the living area. I couldn't help but smile a little either.
Whoa... do I like him? No, no I cant... that would just make things weird. Even if I do... does he like me? Ok, I've never thought about this....

"Hey Raven," He says softly.


"Wanna play some video games?" He gives me a little small smile.

"Uh, sure... I guess?" I'm not the best at them that's for sure.


I float over to him and sit down. He hands me a controller and then the screen pops up. We start to play, but I seem to not be getting the controls. He notices and chuckles a bit.

"How 'bout I help you," He puts his controller down and tries his best to help me.

All of a sudden my hood fell off... stupid air conditioning. He looks at me, and I suddenly look back at him. Oh god, this can't be happening.

"Uh...." I don't know what to do.

"Oh, uh sorry...." He blushes.

Since now that I got the hang of it, we start to play again. He can't stop blushing... it's a bit adorable. God Raven!

"Rae?" He says his voice cracking a bit.


"You're very pretty," He says blushing even more.

"Oh, uh thanks," I mumble.

"Yea...." He says. I can tell he's embarrassed.

"Well... you're not to bad yourself," I give a small smile.

He just smiles widely while we play. I yawn and say "Good Night." and he does the same.
I go to my room and think about what I said, man why. I fell asleep in no time.

^Sorry for a short chapter... bye^

I Need You. (Beast Boy x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now