Almost Time.

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Beast boy's POV


It's almost time for our date. I mean it's tomorrow, but that doesn't change the fact. I'm really nervous about it, what if something goes wrong? What if in the middle of the date something bad happens and she doesn't want to be seen with me again? What if... wait I'm worrying to much, I just need to go where it takes me.

"Hey BB!" Cyborg says walking into the room.

"Hey dude...."

"You seem... nervous," He says noticing.

"I am. What if something goes wrong?" I continue. "What if she doesn't want to be seen with me ever again?"

"Dude, chill. How about we just have a guys night out. Me, you, and Robin!" He suggested.

"Yea, ok," I say.

"Cool!" He says. "I'll go tell Robin!"

"You do that...." I say still nervous.

Raven's POV


Starfire and I were talking about what might happen tomorrow. Then all of a sudden the subject changed to ' what would I wear'?

"Ooh! Can I help you with what you shall tomorrow?" Starfire said. "I would be delighted to help my friend!"

"Uh... sure," I say. I mean I surely don't have any ideas.

"Yay! I know exactly what you should wear!"

"Um ok?" I say as she leads me out the door.

"Wear are we going?" I ask wanting an answer.


"Ew...." I say.

"Trust me! You're going to love this dress!" She says smiling widely.

----hours after shopping----

After shopping, still, ew, we went back to the tower so I can try it on. She got a pale blue dress that goes down to my knees, a pair of black flats, and a whit jacket to go over the sleeves on my dress.

"You look gorgeous, Raven!" She says as I walk into her room with everything on. "Beast Boy will love it!"

I can't help but smile. "Thanks Star, you helped a lot," I say. She nods her head welcome.

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