Fit for a Princess

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Perrie hated Disney. But here she was being dragged round Disneyland by her little sister. She'd only agreed to go as her Mum suggested that if she go there she can go on some camping trip with her friends. This camping trip involved Perrie's favourite things alcohol, cigarettes and surprisingly the outdoors. Perrie liked being somewhere where there were few people and nature. It was about the only soft spot Perrie had as everything else about the girl looked intimidating. 

As if her day couldn't get any worse she was currently queuing up to meet some Disney princess. Her sister was beaming with excitement and Perrie had to fake her smile knowing that if she complained her Mum would find out. The queue was 45 minutes long and the humidity was driving Perrie insane. There were screaming children all around her and Perrie couldn't stand children. Perrie couldn't understand the fascination with queuing for what felt like hours to see some average person that happened to be wearing a fancy dress and calling herself a princess. The closer Perrie got to the front the more she thought about having a nice cold beer in her hand later when she went to the hotel. They reached the front of the queue and Perrie's attitude got worse as soon as the worker spoke.
"Hello there, who is your favourite princess?" The worker beamed with a fake smile plastered on her face.
"I love Jasmine!" Perrie's sister beamed "and Rapunzel!"
"Sadly, Rapunzel is out for a picnic with Pascal right now but you'll be pleased to know that Jasmine is here!" The worker smiled whilst pointing over to a doorway to where the princess was. Perrie smiled weakly and edged her sister towards the door. After walking through the door Perrie pulled out her phone and scrolled through her Instagram feed whilst she let her sister meet the "princess". Perrie had switched off completely until she felt someone nudge her. She looked to the side to see another worker that had nudged her. Perrie was about to tell them to knock it off when she heard someone speak.
"So sweetie, is this your beautiful big sister?" the voice said. Perrie looked up to see the "princess" and Perrie's first thought was how fit this girl was.
"Yes, but she hates Disney and is here against her own will" Perrie's sister laughed lightly.
"Now how could anyone hate Disney huh? You'll have to work on her for me or we will have to get Rajah to have a word with her" the girl laughed. Perrie knew who Rajah was and couldn't believe how in character the girl was. The only thing on her mind was how great the girls abs were in her outfit and how she wanted to tear the rest of it off. "Now I have to be quick, me and Aladdin have dinner soon". Perrie nearly laughed at how fake it all was. She watched her sister take some photos with the princess before she spoke up again. "Come over here for a picture miss leather jacket". Perrie just scoffed and rolled eyes as a way of denying.
"Come on Perrie" her sister said and Perrie knew she had to agree. Perrie walked over to the girl and her sister.
"You think you're a proper bad girl don't you" the girl whispered in her ear and Perrie could have sworn she was flirting with her. Perrie reached her arm round the girl and stroked her fingers across the girls abs.
"Smile!" the worker said and Perrie's smile was actually genuine. She quite liked having her hand there and when she had to remove it the smile soon left her face.
"It was nice meeting you sweetie and your big sister Perrie, remember you have to get her to like Disney" the girl said as she waved the two of them off. Perrie turned back to get one last look at the girl and to her surprise the girl was looking at her too. Perrie sent her a wink whilst the girl smiled at her. The two of them made their way out and her sister ran straight to the photo shop to see the photos of her with the princess. Perrie's family were stood by the outside and wandered over to them once they saw Perrie.
"How was it sis?" Jonnie said laughing slightly. Perrie had drawn the short straw. The others wanted to go on Space Mountain and Perrie hated rides so the agreement had been that Perrie took her sister there whilst they all went on the ride. Perrie couldn't believe the ride took less time than queueing up to meet a princess.
"Perrie look! There's our picture" her sister smiled.
"Wow Pez, look at that smile. That's the happiest you've looked this whole trip" Jonnie teased.
"Well look at her" Perrie said smugly "with a body like that anyone would be happy".
"She was so nice!" Her sister said unaware of Perrie's comment.
"I'm gunna buy that picture just so I can stare at it" Perrie said with a laugh and strolled over to the cashier. "Now I really need a cigarette".

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