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(Maya POV)


You know those times in your life when it feels like the minutes drag to years? Like time is a never-ending paradox you will never escape. One when you keep falling, and falling, and falling. Who's gonna catch you?

Yeah. That pretty much sums up my life right about now. I am literally drumming my fingers on Riley's coffee table, waiting to go and start looking for my love.

Riley is next to me, her head in the crook of my neck. She's sniffling, and crying most likely.

Zay and Smackle are hugging each other on the ground, Farkle holding Riley's hand.

We are one giant mess.

My face hangs in my clammy hands, my eyes closed, trying to tune out the world.

Topanga and Cory were on the phone with search parties and the police. My mom was on the phone with Mrs. Friar, and Shawn was comforting her.

None of these people in this room new Lucas like I did. Nobody knows that I'm probably the cause of this.

I stood up, Riley jerking back quickly.

"This isn't what were supposed to be doing!" I urge.

My mom looks up from her phone. "What, baby girl?"

"We're all just sitting around, crying for ourselves." I wipe my cheeks.

Riley stands and grabs a hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Maya is right, Mom. We should be looking right now."

I grabbed my coat and ran out the door. "Let's go, guys!" I yelled.

And surprisingly, they all followed after me.


We were deep into the city, our little search party of ours, yelling out, "Lucas!", "Huckleberry!", "Friar!," and "Anyone see my son?"

But our cries were muffled by the sounds of the streets.

It was hopeless. The love of my life was gone.


Where is he?

I resorted to trying to reach him by texting, but that really didn't work.

Where are you?

Oh, Lucas, please come back.

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