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(Sorry if bad, wrote in phone this time)
Maya POV ///
I woke up to the innocent sunshine and birds chirping there chirps off.

I stretched out my arms and smiled. I was getting better by the minute.

I glanced at my phone: 10 missed calls from Riley, Zay, Farkle, and Smackle. Huh.

I decided to call Riley back.

"Hey honey!" I said, cheerily.

"Maya." She said in a serious tone.

"What's wrong?" I asked, panicked.

"Lucas ran away!" I heard her breathe into the phone.

Lucas. The boy I fell in love with by lying. The boy who loved me dearly; so much he'd die for me. He loved me so much, he ran away so I'd forget him completely.
But it only made me remember every detail about him.

How his hair gets shaggy after gym.
How his smile sends fireworks into the sky.
How his kisses numb my entire body and set me on fire.
How he is Lucas Friar and he loved me.

"NO!" I cried into the phone.

"I love him! Where did he run? How do you know?" I sobbed, not being able to breathe.

"Maya! You remember him?" She asks.

"Not important!" I cried, chills running through my body. "Riley... we can't lose him."

"I know peaches. He couldn't have gone far."

"Riley, how am I going to help look for him if I can't even walk? The nurses will never let me go! This is a fucking disaster."

"Watch your language, my mom is next to me calling the police asking for a search party. I get it, your scared. Your upset. We'll just have to find a way to break you out."

"Send Farkle and Zay to come and get me."

"Okay," There was a slight pause. "But aren't you on the third floor?"

"Does it matter?" I replied, my throat tightening.

"In this situation, I guess not." Riley said. "We'll find him peaches, I just know it."

I waited. "How can you be sure?"

But the line was already cut dead.

A few hours later //

My smile was no longer on my face. I felt better earlier this morning, but now my entire body feels numb and sore. I was missing his scent, his kisses, I was missing Lucas Friar.

As if magically, it started to pour down rain.

"Stereotypical." I snorted, looking out the window.

A couple minutes later of eating soggy eggs and breakfast biscuits, a rock was thrown at my rainy window.

I couldn't really move.

I quickly set my plate on my side-table and scooted to the edge of my bed to get an easier way off my bed.

My legs felt limp. It was like walking on noodles. Impossible.

After lots of painful movements and stabs of shock, the rocks kept hitting my window when I opened it.

Two unhappy boys stood below.

"Maya! Are you alright? Can you move?" Zay yelled from down below, Farkle next to him.

"No, I can't move. I'm such a mannequin." I replied sarcastically, resulting in a tiny smile from him.

I held a finger out my window to show him to wait as I locked my door. Couldn't let the nurses pop into an empty bedroom of a paralyzed girl. Well, sort of.

"Now... how to get you down." Farkle planned, his hand on his chin. "This is going to suck Maya, but your going to have to jump. We'll catch you."

That's practically suicide.

"30 feet?" I skeptically asked.

"Don't you trust us?" Zay asked, his hands reaching up.

"Not with my life. But technically, this is for Lucas. Oh well... shit." I rolled my eyes, and climbed out the window, sitting on its edge with my eyes tight in the thunder.

The rain tapped on my bruised noise. I couldn't give up. I couldn't be scared of 30 feet. This was going to be fine.

This was it.

I slammed my window closed so I couldn't turn back, took a breath, and pushed myself off of my ledge.

My stomach danced inside of me. My hair flew in all directions as I sailed through the rainy sky. It was almost like a dream, I almost forgot it wasn't. My legs hurt and my face ached, I couldn't feel the rest of my body.

Expecting a thud, I landed in reassuring arms. I opened my eyes, to see two relieved faces above.

"Man, I was for sure she was committing suicide." Zay said, almost laughing, helping me on my feet.

"Guys," I said, my hair dripping on my wet shoulders. "I can't walk very well. It would take ten days just to get to Riley's."

Farkle and Zay exchanged glances, probably using telepathy to talk to each other; choosing who would carry this heavy hippo.

"Alright, hop on 'Blonde Beauty.'" Zay sighed, leaning over. It even took some time for me to get on his back.

When we were walking (well, I wasn't), I nuzzled my head into his neck, and started to cry. Wherever Lucas was, he just had to be okay. And he had to come home.

My biggest worry is that Lucas Friar ran away because he thinks I don't love him.

Or maybe he's dead.

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