Leaving Her Behind

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Nana?" I say quietly when she's washing the dishes. I sit at the table with a cup of water in my hands.

"Yeah?" Nana says without turning to look at me.

"I'm thinking of going back to the city of No.6" I try to say nonchalantly so she isn't bothered too much about it. "I was thinking if you could stay with Sat-chan for a while."

"What? No!" Nana exclaims as she turns to me and closes the running water. Her full attention is turned to me now. "I'm coming with you wherever you go! I don't want to be left behind again! And what the hell is up with that attitude of talking?! Do you not care if I'm left behind again?!"

I stare at the cup of water in my hands guilty, not daring to look at her. Should I take her with me though? But what if those parasitic bees show up? But if I don't take her with me, she'll be mentally unstable. Taking her with me might cause her her life, and not taking her with me will be a mental strain for her.

I reach a final conclusion. She won't be coming with me, after all, it's better to have a mentally unstable girl than a dead one, right?

"I'm sorry, you can't come with me on this one," I try to say gently. "The risks are too high. Plus, I swear I'll come back for you." Damn, meeting Shion has turned me too soft... but I guess that's the only way I can try to communicate with Nana right now. She won't budge if I force her to do anything.

"That's what momma said!!" Her fists are clenched now. "She said she'd come back for me too!! She told me to wait there! But she never came back!"

I stand and walk over to her. I gently place a hand on her shoulders and say in the kindest voice I can muster. "I'm sorry, but you can possibly die if you come with me. You remember those parasitic bees I told you about? They were there, and it doesn't mean they aren't anymore." I try to reason with her but she slaps my hand away.

"You are the only one I can trust. You are the only one that's willing to be by my side. You were there when I needed you, please don't leave me. I need you!" She says as tears roll down her cheeks. She quickly wipes the tears off in frustrated.

"But I can't risk you dying." I try to convince her. "You can stay with Sat-chan in the mean time. Plus, I told you already, I'm not abandoning you. I'll come back for you once I finish what I have to accomplish."

Nana looks up into my eyes and I see disappointment in it. "I thought you were the only one that wouldn't leave me..." she says quietly and turns back to finish washing the dishes. "I don't care if I get hurt, I just want to be by your side."

I'm filled with a sense of guilt, but I can't let that take over me. I need to go back so I can finish what Elyurias had started. Whether she's an entity that had once protected my forest or not, it's not up to her to decide who to kill.

It was actually a couple of months ago that I had noticed the change in the environment and unusual death. As I travelled, I witnessed several deaths caused by increasingly fast aging and a small black being at the nape of the victims neck. I thought that the egg was originally there from the first time Elyurias had planted in the people, but I was wrong. I noticed more and more deaths so I realized that it couldn't have been caused from what had happened in No.6.


After dinner, I went to the bathroom to take a shower. As the warm water runs down my scarred body, I'm left with too much time to think.

Once I get back to No.6, what will happen? I'm most definitely sure Shion would come hugging me the first thing he sees me, then moves on to hammering me in the next moment. I won't blame him though, after all, I am the one who left him behind.

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