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sunday december 4, 2016

i groggily opened my eyes. i remember falling asleep on the ground in the fort so chloe must have moved me to my bed. i glanced over and saw that someone had also put away the fort.

memories flashed through my brain from yesterday, making me smile. i had two texts on my phone.

shawn 😛

had to go get on a plane! sorry, love you!! hope you had a great birthday!!

thank you so much shawn

of course darling


chloe 💜

hope you enjoyed your gift!
shawn and i cleaned up after
you fell asleep! see you soon!
happy birthday xx

best friend ever!!

haha love you!!

love you more!!


i slowly climbed out of bed and wales downstairs. "did you have fun yesterday hunny?" my mother asked. "yes! thank you so much mom!"

she smiled and kissed my forehead. "i'm gonna run to the store! be back soon!" i nodded and went to the fridge to get a bowl and cereal. i felt light headed but thought nothing of it considering i should probably be dead by now.

i ate my cereal in silence, still trying to process that my best friend and i spent the whole day with shawn mendes yesterday.

after i cereal bowl was empty i got up to put it in the sink. deciding to go lay in bed, i began to walk upstairs.

suddenly everything became dizzy and a sharp pain spread rapidly through my body as i hit the floor.

✓ twitter | shawn mendesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora