{Chapter 11: Inside the Mind of a Monster}

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"U-um, yes s-sir." I stuttered out, knowing I really wasn't supposed to solicit around the restaurant and that I must be in big trouble. "I-I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be here, but please don't take my money. I need it to give to my mother to buy food for my little brother."

"Oh, don't worry little one." The man said coming over and putting a hand on my shoulder. "I don't wanna take your money, in fact, I wanna give you something that might make your life easier."

My eyes widened and a smile formed on my face.

"R-really?" I said. "You w-wanna help me?"

The man stood up and took my hand.

"Of course!" he said, leading me towards the back entrance of the restaurant. "Come with me, we'll go to my office. I have some money there."

I let the man lead me to the back office. We went twisting and turning throughout the halls of the building till we came to a stop at a sealed door.

"Head right in there and I'll be right back with the money." he said, gently pushing me inside the room.

I walked forward and surveyed the room. There were parts of animatronics scattered everywhere and other employee outfits hung on hangers. I saw lots of parts from pizza machines and other arcade games that longer worked pushed up against the walls and a back door that led to the outside. This must have been the restaurants storage room.

"But wait," I thought to myself. "Didn't he say we were going to his office?"

I heard the door open again and in stepped... Golden Bonnie? Or... a man with a Golden Bonnie head?

"Um, sir?" I questioned, feeling a bit afraid. "Is that you?"

"Why yes little one." he cooed, stepping towards me. "I was just getting your surprise."

As he got nearer and nearer to me, I saw him pull out a knife from behind his back.

"W-wait, why d-do you h-have a knife?" I gasped as I backed away.

"Why, I told you!" He sneered at me. "I'm going to make your life easier. Since you're so poor, wouldn't it be better if your mother didn't have a second mouth to feed?"

He laughed maniacally as I realized what he was gonna do to me.

"N-no, please d-don't hurt me!" I screamed, running towards the back door. I ran out and got about 5 steps before the man grabbed me and pulled me back inside the storage room.

"I don't wanna go in that room! P-please!" I screamed as he threw me to the floor.

"No! Please no! Don't kill me! Please!" I shrieked, desperately trying to get away. He got on top of me and held my arms above my head and pinned them to the floor. I cried as he traced the knife along my jawline and breathed heavily to himself.

"Shhhhhhh...relax little one." He whispered as he placed the knife above my stomach. "It'll all be over soon."

~flashback end~

I shuddered as I relived that horrible moment. I can remember each an every stab of that vicious knife, every scream that came from my throat as I writhed around in agony, every single evil laugh from that sick bastard!

Then it had all gone dark. I couldn't feel anything anymore. I remember opening my eyes and the first thing I saw was my body lying in a pool of blood as the man cut apart my limbs.

I realized I was dead and that I was watching my murderer dispose of my corpse. He stored my body parts in the nearest animatronic to him: the present box of the Puppet.

The Puppet was my link to the real world... what my soul was bonded with. It became my new body for several years. I remained in that storage room, never moved by any of the employees. The only person who ever even went in there was... him.

I was the first of many children to go "missing" at Freddy's. That sicko would lure the children to the back dressed as Golden Bonnie... probably to avoid detection. He had evolved to using the whole suit to walk out into the main restaurant to find his next victim... pretending he had a present for them and that it was "just in the back." I was forced to watch him lure and murder all those children... including my little brother, Jacob... and stuff them the suits of the animatronics.

Jacob had been his last victim. That bastard told him how he'd killed me and that now Jacob was going to join me in death.

Sadly, that's not how the spirit world works. His spirit did not haunt the animatronic he was stuffed in, Mangle, for very long after he died. My brother didn't carry vengeance and anger in his heart for what had happened to him or me, so he was able to pass on.

Jacob was like that. Being only 6 when he died, he believed in the good in people and that God had plans for him. Even after all the hardships we went through, he still believed in a high power who would protect him.

But not me.

I never could move on and join my brother. Not with all the pain I still held in my soul. It made me cruel and dark, unable to show mercy or compassion for anyone. I didn't wanna feel that way anymore,

Nate, thankfully, kept quiet as I tried to compose myself once again.

Soon, I'd be reunited with Jacob again. He'd be here, with me, alive and able to have the life he truly deserved. And once I was done with Matthew... those other "FNAF YouTubers" were next. All of those other children would soon be alive again...

But now, I needed to finish with this video setup. It was time to start the show!

Hello Mystical Creatures!

First, Merry Christmas everyone! I know, Christmas was yesterday, but I update on Monday's so, yeah!

Anyway, how about the chapter!? I finally told you Mason's backstory! I felt it was time to let you know why he is the way he is so that his plan will make more sense later on.

I bet a lot of you feel sorry for him now. I know I do! Mason is very complex and this is just another side of him you all get to see!

Also, over 900 reads!? WHAT!? I'm so happy! The fact that you all love my story so much means the world! Some of you even told me it's the reason you all look forward to Monday's! I almost cried when I read that...thank you all so much!

The next chapter is coming Monday so make sure to look out for it!

(2/17/2022) EDIT: Made some plot fixes that have been bugging me.

Stay 'Magical' my Mystical Creatures!

~ Elenora ~ Forever_In_A_Fantasy ~

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