08 | creepy

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"THEN SHE GAVE me her number!" Harry exclaimed as we were signing in to work. "After I told her I just needed to have some fun."

"Women these days," I rolled my eyes. "Not surprised."

"Women? Well, she's like eighteen." Harry shrugged, signing his name in the panel as well.

"Eighteen?" I raised my eyebrows. "Shooting for the youth now, aren't you?"

"Well, the youth is more...lively and energized-"

"Woah, I don't think I wanna have this conversation in this ungodly hour." I glared at Harry as he grinned.

"Just sayin'," he shrugged and I shook my head at him.

As usual, Harry was dropping me off at the shared office I work in. But just as we neared it, I noticed the boxes with all my stuff I'd prepared to be moved to my new office are gone. Kade and Belle are the only ones inside.

"Where are all my stuff?"

Kade shrieked. "Good fucking morning to you, too. Jeez."

"Morning," I chuckled at his overreacting.

"They took your stuff upstairs. I think Yendor is waiting for you there," Belle informed me.

"Speaking of the devil," Harry mumbled. I turned around to see Ms Yendor walking towards our office. "I gotta run; this isn't even my floor."

"Alright," I tell him.

"See ya, Flower," he playfully pulled on my hair. I turned around and glared at him, pinching his arm.

"Ow, ouch!" He quietly exclaimed but grinned at me before acknowledging Kade and Belle. "See you, guys."

Just as Yendor is entering our spacious office area, Harry is emerging from it. Yendor gives one disapproving look to Harry that makes him flip her off discreetly behind her back and leaves.

She had her hair in a usual updo bun today, but I can see the makeup she tried to put on and failed. She turns to me steadily.

"Gatti," she addressed, both her hands clutched behind her back. "You've noticed I had your packed belongings transferred to your new Editor office."

"Yes, sir," I nodded.

"You are going to follow me now," Yendor orders and turns around, me having to follow her after exchanging looks with Belle and Kade.

God, everyone was right calling her Robot Yendor.

I follow her up to the twelfth floor, which is about five floors up from where my shared office was. In the elevator, she reminds me of the regulations and rules of this place as if I'm actually new here. When the elevator dings, she's still talking.

If I knew I was going to have this conversation, I would've had double the amount of coffee.

"Also, you are meeting with your first Author. That's your first assignment as an Editor, so do not screw it up, Gatti." Yendor informs me and stops in her tracks. "Anything you need, there's a secretary that works with you and six others on this floor."

"Okay. Thank y-"

"Here's your work," she points inside the office. "Get on it."

I glance inside and almost gasp for seeing a familiar face. I frown and part my lips when the man smiles smugly at me. I would've had triple the amount of coffee.

"I-" I turn to Yendor, but she's already vanished like a ghost.

I turn the knob and walk myself in, staring at the guy I have already met in The Violet a few nights back. Same grey eyes, same sleek black hair, same fucking gorgeous smile.

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