You sighed and walked into your room, frustrated with the jobs around you. A part of you wanted to work and get out of the house and socialize, but another small part of you kept echoing in your mind is that really what I want to do? The answer was no, of course. You pulled out your laptop and opened up Youtube. It was around the time Sean posted his first video of the day, so you drifted around Youtube until he put a new video up onto his channel. 

He had posted a new Akinator, which surprised you a bit, since he hadn't played that game in a while. You opened it up, and heard the merry Irishman through your headphones. A part of you wished that he could've at least acted that happy while he had called you. 

"Okay, so, since I have grown as a Youtuber, I was going to let him guess my name, I know it's kinda boring, but I have changed a bit since the last time I had played." He rambled on as he started the game. The Akinator asked a few questions, and hearing Sean answer them with his usual humor was lifting your spirits a bit. Soon enough it got around to the last question.

"Does your character have a girlfriend?" The Akinator asked. Sean hesitated. His face went slack for a split second before clicking "Yes". You frowned. What was that about? Sean had been dating Signe for as long as you could remember, But you decided not to give it too much thought since he clicked yes, so you let the video continue.

☽ ☆ ☾

After a while you decided to get up and talk to your grandfather. You two have fought before, and always worked it out, but you almost stopped when you remembered his hurtful words he had said the previous night. You took a deep breath and entered the living room, where he was watching TV. And he always calls me lazy.. You thought, but shook that thought away. 

"Hey grandpa." You said, getting his attention. He grunted to let you know he heard you. "I uh, wanted to apologize for my, um, disrespectful tone to you last night. I'm sorry." You said, you weren't quite sure if you had meant it, but he nodded.

"Ya' should be." Was his reply. You felt a bit of anger build back up in your chest but you tried to suppress it. You stood there awkwardly waiting for him to apologize. "Did your grandmother make ya' do this?" He asked eventually.

"What? no, I just thought something had to be done I guess.." You said honestly. You hoped you sounded convincing.

"Hm," he grunted "I guess you're finally maturing. Well, I guess it's my turn for apologizing, sorry for uh, not letting you be your own person, and for being a, well, an idiot." He said. You felt your heart warm up, you couldn't remember him apologizing like that to you before. You almost felt like crying before you walked to him to give him a hug. He let out a chuckle. 

"You are forgiven." You said quietly. The words from last night still stung a bit, but you didn't feel that continuous feeling of hatred towards him anymore. You felt a sense of relief now as you headed to the kitchen to grab a quick snack before heading back to your room. You opened up your laptop and saw Sean hadn't uploaded a second video. That's odd, you thought I don't think he's missed an upload before.. That made you remember his other video, and his expression when the Akinator asked that question. The same expression he had when he Skype called you. the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. And you started to dread your own theory, so you decided to shoot him a message before jumping to conclusions.

Message from (u/n)
Hey, you okay? I know I am not supposed to worry, but after last night had me thinking. Anyways, no second upload? Does this have to do with last night?

You tapped your fingers on your bed as you waited for a response. He was online, you observed. You looked away from your screen to see the time. Almost dinnertime. You looked back at your computer to see he had replied.

Reply from JackSepticEye
Stop stressing yourself, I'm fine :) And yeah, it does.

You sighed at his response, it wasn't exactly the details you were looking for. You wanted to share your theory without being nosy, but you couldn't think how, so you decided to tell him anyways.

Reply from (u/n)
I have a theory Sean, tell me if I'm completely wrong, but did you and Signe break up?

You silently scolded yourself after sending it. You definitely sounded nosy. And there was a chance you could be completely wrong, but when he hesitated after the Akinator asked if he had a girlfriend you couldn't help but think that. You waited for him to respond, and after five minutes you decided he wasn't going to. You shut your laptop and closed your eyes, you were still so tired, and before you knew it, you were back asleep.

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