FlashBack: We Love, We Fight

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--Jacob's POV--😏💕

"You know what, I really can't fucking stand you! Just get the fuck out my face!"  Bri yells at me, for the 46th time today. ...yes I've kept count of how much she's yelled at me today.

I don't know what her problem is today, she's been raging all week actually. And it can't be because of her menstrual because she's 2 months pregnant. But damn is she just being bitch-y all the time now.

"Do you fucking hear me! Or am I talking to a wall?" she steps in front of me.

"Yes babe?" I sigh.

"Your a piece of shit Jacobson. You pay more attention to this Tv than your own fucking wife who's pregnant with your child!"

"Oh my god Brianna. Can I just fucking watch Tv in fucking peace! Damn. I can't watch the game because I got a wife now. Fuck outta here"

"Fuck you then" she says angrily, walking away.

--The Next day--🕖

So to get on Bri's good side today, I decided to take her shopping at the mall. It seemed to work for the the first two hours but then she started yelling at me all over again. Like can I ever win with this girl.😒

"Why can't you just pick out a color Jacob! It's not that fucking hard like are you going mental? Blue or fucking black?" she yells, holding up both of the shirts she wanted me to pick from.

Trying to be a sweetheart, I smile and say "But babe they both looked beautiful on you"

"Whatever! I don't even know why you took me shopping, just to be a fucking bump on a log and not help" she puts both of the shirts back on the rack. ...oh my god😒💢

"I just wanted to make you happy" I sigh, stressed out.

"Bullshit. Lets just fucking go" she storms away.

*Later on in the day*

So in my third attempt to make my girl happy, I toke her out to eat at one of her favorite restaurants downtown. We got seated to a nice little booth in the corner and everything was going good. Our food came and she looked satisfied with it.

I planned on ordering us a nice little dessert at the end so we could share it as a couple, you know. So I picked up the menu and starting looking for something tasty. I suddenly glance up at the other table, to notice an attractive pair of girls sitting right next to us. They were cute but you know what, I'm happy with my girl even if she could be a bitch at time, so I looked up at the Tv in the distance.

The game was on, The skins versus Tampa bay in a 27 to 10 point game. The skins, my team, were winning of course. That trick shot play for the field goal had me smiling like the grinch. Damn I was proud of em😏🏈

But in my view, the girls that were sitting next to us...waved and smiled at me. I guess they both thought I was staring at them the whole time maybe...

"Are your foreal? Your really gonna look at other bitches while I'm sitting right here!" Brianna snaps, slapping me in the face. ...okay that was not called for and I just lost it after that😠

"What the fuck are you putting your hands on me for! Are you fucking serious!" I yell, standing up.

"Well maybe if you'd stop looking at other people!"

"I didn't! That's the fucking point! I was watching the fucking game!"

"Bullshit Jacob! You think I'm stupid huh?!" she angrily pushes our plates off the table, making a huge mess.

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