Chapter 99

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××Riley in the MM××
*1 week later* (Jacob's POV)

××Riley in the MM××---------------------------------------------------------*1 week later* (Jacob's POV)

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"Baby? Where's Kiala" Brianna says through the door, interrupting our selfie.

"She's in here with me babe" I say.

"Well can I have her please, so we can leave. My mom wants me to bring her with us" she says while coming into the bathroom.

"Aww man..." I pout.

"Awe. I know you want her to stay with you. I'm sorry" she kisses me.

"I'm a just miss y'all. I'm a be all alone in the house, since the kids are at school"

"We won't be long daddy" she smiles, taking Kai from my hands.

"Ard. Just be you Mami" I kiss her lips and Kai's head.

"Love you too"

(Leah's POV) *Phone Rings*

"Yes?" I say answering Riley's call. ...what did she want now...


"Yes?" I repeat myself. ..yeah I was still holding grudges, because I'm petty like that.😏

"Where's my son?"

"Our son and I'm watching him eat a doughnut"

"Our son and I'm watching him eat a doughnut"

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"Oh. Don't give him too much sugar.."

"Excuse me. I'm his mother too and this is like his fourth one already" I lie.

"What the fuck Leah! You tryna give my son diabetes!"

"Stop yelling. I was just joking damn. And stop calling him your son...he's ours okay"

"Mhm. Well what time y'all coming home? I miss y'all...since Landon had a game practice this morning"

"We'll be there soon...he wants to go to Toys 'R' us too"

Daughters of a ThugOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora