"I think you did it!" She laughed, remembering the description she had committed to memory. "It's still two years until we learn it!" She giggled as the fumes found their way to her nostrils. The mixed scent of home made sweets and residual magic laced around her brain. "This is amazing..."

Dallon scooted back away from the cauldron, shaking his head as if to shake away the affect the potion's fumes. "I can't believe we did that?.. Took a couple trys but..." He cocked his head at the cauldron, "Why did we make that?"

Jamia smiled as she reached into her shoulder bag. She reached in and pulled out a small container. "Some things are better left alone, Dallon." She smiled as she conjured two cups. She opened the container and poured an equal amount of see through liquid in both. "Let's just cheers to this!" She shifted her smile to Dallon, swishing her wand to send a cup towards him.

Dallon took the cup, but his sight stayed transfixed on the potion he had just created. "Something so powerful and we made it in an abandoned girl's bathroom? I just don't remember why-"

"Quite forgetful for a Ravenclaw." Jamia commented, casually, as she pretended to sip from her cup. "Just agree that this is a huge accomplishment," she raised her glass, "To that nerdy brain of yours!"

Dallon had an unsure expression as he raised his cup to lightly clink against hers. They both brought the cups to their lips, but only Dallon drank. Jamia quickly set her cup down and rose to her feet.

"You're too gullible for your own good." She laughed as Dallon began to blink rapidly, "Let's get you out of here so that forgetfulness potion really works it magic once again." She pulled Dallon to his feet as she spoke, not receiving much in response.

For the past few days, Jamia had slipped some of the forgetfulness potion into anything she gave Dallon so that he wouldn't remember what he was assisting her with. She needed the help to move along faster, but she didn't need the witnesses. Today, she had used the largest amount in his drink, just to ensure none of this would commit to memory. She pulled the dazed giraffe of a boy into the hall and spun him in a circle.

"Good luck, and thank you!" She smiled sweetly before pushing him further into the hall. The potion was beginning to take full effect; Dallon's mind was becoming muddled and confused, leaving him lost where he stood. Before he could spin to face her, she shut the door of the girls bathroom and let out a sigh.

"Nasty schemer you are." A soft voice echoed, followed by a soft giggle.

Jamia only smirked. "I try my best, Myrtle."

The ghost of the dead student floated over with the tilt of her head. "Why go through so much trouble?" She asked, "You used to only come in here to cry, and now you're brewing things just like that Potter and his friends."

"I simply need isolation." Jamia shrugged as she conjured up some viles to pour some potion in. "I remembered this place... Much more convenient than that scorched room on the seventh floor; it's big but full of burnt garbage."

The ghostly Ravenclaw shrugged as she floated back to the toilet stalls. Jamia finished bottling the potion and slid them into her bag. She then pulled out her wand and spoke a soft cleaning charm, pointing the wand at the cauldron.

She nodded in approval, standing up and adjusting her shoulder bag with a smile. "I hope this works." She giggled as she turned to leave the restroom. Things were actually falling into place for her, after all this time.

Faux Amour (Frerard/Bandom Hogwarts AU)Where stories live. Discover now