12 | The Wiz

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" If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme. "


"Hail to Dorothy! The wicked witch of the West is dead!" they cheered in unison.

I smiled. "The broom. Can we have it? Please."

"Here," he said "take it with you."

"Oh thank you. Thank you so much! Now we can go back to the Wizard and tell him the witch is dead."

"Good luck and thanks again Dorothy!"

"Do my eyes deceive me? Why the hell did you come back?" the Wizard spat.

He's still an asshole. Nothing's gonna change but I'm way too excited right now to even be bothered.

I stepped forward with a smile on my face.

"Well, we've done what you told us to do. We killed the wicked witch of the West and brought back her broomstick. We melted her."

"Yes she's allergic to water. Good thinking."

"Yes sir," I smiled "we did what you wanted us to do and we expect you to keep your promise and give us what we want in return."

"Nope! Don't rush me. You see, I'll have to give the matter a little thought. So if you don't mind, go away and come back tomorrow."

My face dropped. "Come back tomorrow? But I want to go home now! You promised!"

"You've had plenty of time to think," tin man interrupted.

"Excuse me?" he retorted "do not arouse the wrath of the great and powerful OZ! Now I said come back tomorrow!"

Toto ran off but I didn't pay it any attention. Right now I'm confused and mad as hell.

I was right. This man is a scammer and he used us. All of this for nothing?

No. I'm not leaving until he grants our wishes.

"Look, if you're really great and powerful like you say you are, then you'd keep your promises. We kept our word so why can't you keep yours?" I spat.

"Do you call yourself questioning the great OZ? I said go away you creatures!"

Scarecrow tapped me in order to get my attention, then pointed.

"No effing way," I whispered.

I knew it was too good to be true. My conscience was right.

This man is a phony and he used us.

He spun around and faced us, then quickly covered himself up. As if we didn't see him clear as day.

"Eh.. pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! The great and powerful OZ has spoken."

I walked towards him and removed the curtain before shaking my head.

The Wizard of OZ • N.W.A. Where stories live. Discover now