5 | The Wiz

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" You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough. "


They continued. "If ever a wonderful Wiz there was, the Wizard of OZ is one because, because, because, because, because of the wonderful things he does. You're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of OZ!"

"Thanks again Dorothy!" one yelled "thank you so much for freeing us! And good luck in Emerald City!"

I waved before blowing them a kiss.

Now it's time to finally chase my dreams and become a star.

"Why isn't there any fucking buses in this place? Ugh, my feet hurt," I mumbled.

Feels like I've walked for hours and it's only been about forty five minutes. These shoes are killing me but I promised Glinda that I would never take them off.

Gotta keep reminding myself, this is a dream. Well, I hope it's just a dream. Those munchkins and Munchkin Land as well as Glinda are all in my head.

Just wish someone can wake me up.

I promised myself that when I make it in Hollywood, I'm going to make sure I buy myself a car. I just hope all of this is worth it.

"We're almost there Toto. Just hang in there."

But in all honesty, seems like we're never going to get there. I took a few more steps until I ended up at an open corn field.

"Where am I?" I whispered "this is ridiculous. Why isn't there a bus or something I can take?"

"This corn is mighty delicious!" a strong voice yelled.

"Hell yeah this is some good stuff here! Very tasty and nutritious!"

"Thanks. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it."

I paused for a quick second. Then pinched myself three times just to wake up.

This can't be real.

No, this is all in my head.

A talking scarecrow and crows?!

"Hey fellas. Do you think you can get me down today? Can you help me out? A brother gets tired of hanging all day," he smiled.

"No.. freaking way," I mumbled to myself. Hopefully, they aren't able to see me.

"Help you?!" the crows asked in unison.

Not only are they talking crows but, they're human-size. In other words, it looks like four men have dressed theirselves up as... crows.

"Man what is going on with that head of yours? What makes you think we're gonna get you down?"

"Didn't we tell you yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that?" another spat.

"You can't get down. You are a scarecrow and as a scarecrow, your job is to stay right there and scare crows! This is your life buddy."

The Wizard of OZ • N.W.A. Where stories live. Discover now