9 | The Wiz

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" The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. "


"The hell? Why does somebody always help this girl? It's like she has a guardian angel around her or something."

She glanced at the flying monkey. "Well shoes or no shoes, I'm still great enough to conquer her. Now I want somebody to stop me. Well, try to stop me that is."

"Look! Emerald City is closer and prettier than ever!" I chuckled.

After walking for hours and hours, we finally made it.

Emerald City.

I've never seen anything more beautiful than Emerald City.

As soon as we approached the front door which has "OZ" written on the front, we pulled the door bell and was immediately greeted.

They weren't kidding about Emerald City, because everything in site is green.

"Who rang that bell?!" he spat.

We glanced at each other. "We did," we said in unison.

"Can't you read?" he questioned.

"Read what?" tin man asked.

"The notice!"

"What notice?" we asked in unison.

"It's on the door and as plain as the nose on my face. It's," he trailed off before placing a letter in front and closing the door.

We read in unison. "Bell out of order, please knock."

I knocked and he greeted us with a better attitude.

"Finally! That's more like it! Now tell me, what can I help you folks with?"

"We want to see the Wizard."

He gasped. "Excuse me? You want to see the, the Wizard? But nobody has ever seen the great OZ. Even I've never seen him."

"So, how do you know there is one?" I asked.

"Because... look you're wasting my time. All of you."

"But please, please sir. I've got to see the Wizard. Glinda, the good witch of the North sent me. And I've traveled all the way from Munchkin Land. On top of that I walked. Why aren't there any buses here?"

He rolled his eyes. "Glinda sent you? Prove it!" he spat.

"Well she's wearing the ruby slippers," said Scarecrow.

He glanced at my feet.

"Oh so she is! Bust my buttons! Well why didn't you say that in the first place? Come on in!" he smiled.

The door slowly opened and we walked in. This place is beautiful. It feels like a fairytale of some sort.

Everything is green of course. And everyone inside is dressed in green.

The Wizard of OZ • N.W.A. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ