Waking up with a startle, Rin looked around frantically, the clock blinking nine in the morning. She quickly slipped off the bed, Koron falling on the bed as he started barking at his new owner's carelessness. Rin run towards the bathroom taking the quickest shower she ever took and got dressed as warmly as possible. December was a bitch in Japan. Then she applied make-up to cover her swollen eyes and the bags forming beneath them. Once she got ready, Rin left the apartment, taking her phone out immediately calling Mrs. Sai. But then she noticed the whole place was covered in pure white snow and ceased her walking. Staring all around, the snow was still falling rapidly, turning even the tiniest clean corner into white. 

"Hello? Rin-chan? Hello? Can you hear me?" A voice asked startling the young girl. She quickly put the phone back in her ear, which unconsciously had dropped at her side and cleared her throat.

"Moshi moshi, Mrs Sai? Um, I-I'm sorry I'm late, I slept late at night and--"

"Didn't you take my message? I left you one saying that you don't have to come today. It's snowing heavily and besides you should take a day off dear. You've been working so hard these days and I think you should rest a little." The voice in the other end said, but that didn't calm Rin down as it would in normal circumstances. She wanted to work, work so badly so she could forget that she stayed alone in this god damned house. Nonetheless, she thanked the woman and returned into the apartment a few minutes later.

Locking the door behind her, the young woman dragged her legs towards the bedroom and slipped out of her heavy clothing. She pulled on a pair of sweatpants with a T-shirt and a hoodie along with a pair of warm socks. She then proceed in turning the heater up to warm the house. Throwing a blanket over herself as she laid down on the couch, Rin turned the television on to have something just to hear. Koron soon joined her under the blankets, comfortably falling asleep on her stomach, Rin following suit.

A sudden ringing brought Rin out of her quiet slumber, and as she checked the ID it was Ruki calling her. Subconsciously, a scowl formed on her lips as she pressed the answer button and put the phone against her ear. "Moshi moshi?" 

"Usagi-chan! Hi." Ruki said breathlessly; as if he was nervous about something. This spiked the girl's curiosity. Slowly sitting up, careful not to wake Koron up, she brought her legs up, the dog successfully slipping on her lower abdomen still sounding asleep.

"Hi." The reply was cold, hollow and void of all emotions. But Rin couldn't help it. Ruki hadn't tried to contact her at all the past few days, the attitude kind of came naturally to her.

"How are you? Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine. How about there? Were you that busy that you couldn't even send me a text?" 

"I- uh, I'm sorry Rin," Uh oh, he called her Rin, this can't probably be good, Rin thought. "I have been so busy and-and something happened. I was so embarassed to call you; and guilty. But I don't want to hide it from you any longer. I-I need to tell you the truth and hope for your forgiveness." Rin braced herself at what was to follow. She kind of knew what he was about to tell her, but her heart begged to be a false thought.

"What?" She croaked, tugging at her blanket, shivering despite the warmth the house had fallen into.

"I..I-uh, uhm. Rin, I-I cheated on you." Rin nodded, her suspicions unfortunately being right. "I-I'm really sorry, it was after a show, we went for some drinks and--"


The phone was tightly clutched in her small fingers, and that moment she felt as if her broken emotions were so strong that she would manage to break her cellphone. And during her rage instead of breaking it in her fist, she threw it against a wall completely smashing it and startling both pets. "Sorry." She mumbled apologetically and gently slipped Koron off her lap. Her feet dragged her towards their room, where she pulled out a suitcase of hers, opening it, desperately throwing her clothes inside. After a few moments of silence the phone in the house started ringing. And it was definitely Ruki. So Rin ignored it, gulped down her tears and as she filled her suitcase with her clothes, she changed into a pair of warm pants, a T-shirt and a hoodie on top along with her coat to keep her warm. She threw a scarf around her neck, a beanie on the top of her head and a pair of gloves to warm her arms.

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