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Phil's POV

I did that. To dan. It's my fault. He is getting beaten up because of me...

I slam my head against the navy lockers. Tears were already flowing down my cheeks, no point on stopping it. My head stung viciously with pain, so i hunched over and felt sick to my stomach. My breathing rapidly increased. I knew what was happening.

Panic attack. Lovley.

The bells rang, signalling the beginning of fourth hour. The lingering kids in the hallways sprint to their classes. The freshman, that is. The seniors, juniors, stay chill, probably skipping. There's no point for me to go to class now. I. am. Freaking. Out.

Great. Now if dan comes to see me; i'll just be another damsel in distress. Some... idiot. Which i am, i guess. Some, freak.

My best option at this point is to ditch class, which is what i'm doing. As i walk out into the breezy, england air, i calm. There's nothing nicer than a cool breeze to help your nerves. I sit out on a bench close to the school. And inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Inhale-

"Phil." a shaky voice mumbles behind me.

My body tenses at the sound of his voice.

"D-dan. Hi. i-i-i'm sorry. We shouldn't be friends anymore. I don't want you b-being b-beaten up b-because we're friends. That's not f-fair. And i totally get that you probably hate m-me right now. I mean i hate me... and you do too. Heh, heh, everyone hates me... anyways, um i'm ranting so uh..." i half-said-half-stuttered.

It wasn't until then i noticed i was crying. Why did i notice? A warm thumb rubbed my flaming hot cheeks. What is happening.

What is happening.

He's leaning into me.

He's closing his eyes.

His lips are on mine.

What the fuck is happening.

((lol ha wtf have i done. ok thank you so much for 200+ you guys are amazing. ily all so much, sorry for the short update but ya know.... i felt it was a good place to end it. ok bai!))

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