Part Six

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"Are you hungry?" I asked as I locked the door to my apartment behind us.

Jungkook looked around as If he was in unfamiliar territory.

"No, Im fine. Thanks for asking." He said eyes still drifting around the place."

"You have a really nice place. It's spacious." He said sitting down on the sofa and taking his jacket off.

I sat next to him, scooting over relatively close. I could sense that he was uncomfortable.

I was also feeling a little bad about how things had progressed so quickly at the strip club. All of sudden I was stripping and before I knew he had his mouth around my nipple.

I can't pretend like I didn't enjoy every minute. I loved the sensation of grinding on him as his cock hardened under me and I love the feeling of him biting my lip.

But I wasn't single. I was dating someone who I had been with for so long. Tae was out if town and had no idea what I was up to. I knew that I needed to address what had happened with Jungkook.

"Look, Jungkook. I think we should talk about what happened a little while ago." I said.

"Im sorry that it went that far. I had no right to touch you."

"No it's my fault. I knew what I was doing, I just couldn't stop myself." I replied.

"You couldn't?" He asked.

"No and If your phone wouldn't have rung I dont know what would've happened. I don't know why but I can't control myself when I'm with you. I can't control what I say or what I do."

"Neither can I. Im extremely attracted to you, not only physically but I like who you are as a person. I sometimes wish you were single." He replied.

"Not going to lie, I've been thinking about that over the pass couple of weeks. But you know Jungkook, I'm not single and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon."

"So are you saying that you want to stop this? Whatever we are doing?" He asked.

"No of course not. I really like this." I said as I took his hand in mine. "But I think we need to establish some boundaries."

"Alright. I can do that. What kind of boundaries were you thinking?"

"Well no sex. I care about my boyfriend and I don't want to hurt him in that way." I spoke.

"I understand. What else?"

"Maybe we should only talk on the phone when I know Tae won't be home. I hate worrying about him asking who I'm on the phone with especially since he asked that I not talk to you." I said.

"Okay. That's fine."

"What about you. Do you have any requests for me?" I asked.

"No not really. Im just glad that I can continue to see you." He said smiling at me and lightly squeezing my hand.

"Why are you so nice to me? This isn't really fair to you." I asked. I was extremely flattered by Jungkook's words. He was so caring and sweet. I felt bad because I knew I would never be able to date him.

"Do I have to have a reason to be nice? I just like you." He said.

"I like you too." I said biting my lip and then smiling. Jungkook was extremely charming and sometimes I wondered how someone could be so perfect.

"Let me show you the guest bedroom." I said standing up as Jungkook followed me.

"Theres a bathroom with a shower in here. Just let me know if you need anything."

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