Part 4

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My work week had gone by really fast I had been really busy with clients and in my spare time I found myself on the phone with Jungkook. I found myself anticipating his call, I was growing fond to the sound of his voice.

Because Tae didn't want me talking to him I had to sneak around, which made me feel bad at times. But it was all friendly. It wasn't like we were flirting or anything of the sort, we were simply coversating.

The last couple of weeks we talked about a lot, anything and everything. I found it extremely easy to talk to Jungkook, he wasn't judgmental and listened to everything I had to say. I didn't talk to many people on a daily basis besides Taehyung and the clients at my job so i found it nice having a friend to talk to.

Jungkook was going to be in town to meet with an author that lived out here this weekend, and we had planned to meet up. We weren't going to meet up at the club for obvious reasons, but we were still undecided as to were we were going to meet.

I was at the club and needed to speak with Taehyung, I wanted to find out how busy he'd be this weekend so I could see if I could meet Jungkook. His office was on the third floor of the club in the back so I made up there.

He had the door slightly cracked and I could hear female laughter. From her extremely high-pitched laugh I could already guess who it was. I opened the door and saw Stephanie who was not wearing any clothes sitting on Taehyung's lap. As soon as she saw me she jumped off of his lap and grabbed the robe she had on his desk.

"Am I interrupting something?" I asked as Taehyung's eyes shot up at me.

"Not at all, she was just showing me something." He said.

"Bullshit." I scoffed crossing my arms at my chest.

"Get out." Taehyung said to Stephanie directing her to the door. He closed it behind her and faced me.

"What's wrong with my baby girl?" He asked softly stroking my cheek.

"Don't touch me." I said swatting away at his hand.

"I don't like that tone, y/n." He said walking back to his desk and sitting down on it.

"You do this every time you hire someone new, am I not enough for you?" I asked.

"I'm not cheating on you, we were just messing around. Calm down." 

"Calm down? Do you know how humiliating this is for me? Everyone knows that my boyfriend is screwing other women!" I yelled.

"Watch your mouth! I am not screwing anyone." He snapped back. "She was just showing me her new dance. You know I have to approve all of the new girl's dances."

"I don't like the feeling of sharing you with other women Tae."

"You aren't sharing me, I'm all yours. I come home to you every night and I wake up to your extremely sexy face every morning. These other girls wish they could have that, but they don't only you do." He explained as he grabbed my hand and pulled me in closer to him.

He was wasn't lying or being over dramatic. All of the girls at the club wanted to date the rich, attractive young man who owned the club and I had him. I've always had him. That fact made some girls treat me differently. Some girls treated me like royalty because I was dating their boss. Other girls treated me like the plaque because they thought that if they hung around me I would go back and tell Tae the illegal things they were doing in his place of business.

A lot of the girls were involved in heavy drug abuse, they would either get high once they left the stage or before. A lot of girls had so much shit going on in their lives that they felt like drug abuse was their only escape. Most of the girls did drugs and they thought that they were hiding it, they weren't. Tae knew exactly what they were doing, he just didn't care.

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