Part Two

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I still remember exactly what I was doing when I found out. I had just gotten home from working a long night at the club and I had begun to run bath water.

My phone was ringing continuously but I decided to wait until I finished my bath to even bother to look at it.

Once I finished bathing I leisurely dressed myself and slid into bed before finally remembering to check my phone.

I hopped out of bed and grabbed my phone out of my purse. The first message I saw was one from my brother.

Mom and dad have been in a horrible accident.

That was the last thing I read before my phone slipped out of my hands and onto the ground with myself following suit shortly after.


I woke up feeling somewhat optimistic about the events of today. I had plans to meet a friend of mine that I had known since I was 18 for lunch.

And tonight would be my last day of work until next week. Today should be a pretty good day.

Taehyung hadn't come home last night and I was actually a bit relieved.
I knew he would ask countless questions about the friend I was meeting and I didn't feel like being interrogated.

I made sure to clean up the house and prepare lunch for my boyfriend just in case he came home. I then got dressed and headed to the cafe where I was meeting my friend.

When I arrived I took a seat and waited for my friend to come. I was really excited to see her, we hadn't talked in almost a year.

We were really close when I worked at the club with her. She was well known at the small club we worked at and she used her popularity to her advantage.

When I started bar-tending she would always make sure creepy guys would leave me alone and she would always take good care of me.

Moments later she arrived, she looked a bit different then when I last saw her. She looked extremely worn out. Her appearance though, wasn't the only thing that shocked me about her. What was also shocking was that she was carrying a car seat in her arms, with an infant inside.

"Zoe, over here." I called as she glanced around the cafe looking for me. She smiled when she saw me and made her way over to the table that I was sitting at.

I stood up to hug her and pulled up an extra chair so that she could place the baby there.

"Honey, I'm so happy to see you!" She said hugging me after positioning the baby.

"Me too." I said hugging her back and feeling her warmth.

"Who is this?" I asked looking at the infant as we finally sat down.

"Y/n, I like to introduce you to the love of my life Mariah Isabel Lee." She said.

"Oh my god she is absolutely gorgeous, I had no clue you were pregnant." I exclaimed.

"Everything happened so fast. I found out I was pregnant and honestly I was too embarrassed to contact you."

"Embarrassed? Why would you be?"

"I don't know, my life was a complete mess. I wasn't prepared for Mariah at all and I just didn't want you to see me that way." She stated.

"I would never think negatively of you. You have done so much for me Zoe." I told her.

We ordered drinks and caught up for a while. I asked a lot about the baby and his father and the more I talked to her the more I felt bad for her.

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