Chapter 2

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Not alone

Domino City next morning :

Yugi woke up at the first rays of sunlight coming in through his bedroom window and he lifted his head from his desk. Apparently after he passed out he had slumped forward.
He cracked his neck and he felt how sore his body had become at his unusual sleeping position.  Good thing it was a Saturday.  He didn't think he would have been able to go through a whole day of school with all his muscles aching like crazy. He sighed.

'What the heck happened last night?'

He thought about what had happened the moment he had finished the puzzle. It had been glowing a bright light and he had felt an extreme pressure in the back of his head.
Now that he thought about it. The pressure was still there. A bit numb compared to yesterday but still.
Had it something to do with the puzzle?

'Maybe it's best to ask grandpa about it'

He tried to stand up from his desk chair but after doing so he fell right down on the floor with a thud.  Hard.

"Owww" he groaned and tried to get up but he felt like a rock stuck to the floor. He heard footsteps coming closer to his bedroom and his bedroom opened to reveal his grandpa.

"Yugi my boy. What happened? I heard a thud. Did you fall down?" he said with a worried expression on his face. He walked over and kneeled next to Yugi.

"I..I'm okay.  I fell asleep at my desk and I kind of feel sore now" he grimaced as his grandpa helped him up and lead him to his bed to lie down. He mumbled a thanks.

"Why would you sleep at your desk when you have a perfectly good bed silly boy?"

"I didn't do it intentionally.  I fixed the puzzle last night you see and..."

"You fixed the puzzle???!??" his grandpa exclaimed loudly and he turned to the desk to see a complete upside down pyramid laying on top of it. 

"Ha ha...wonderful! I knew you could do it my boy" he smiled and turned to Yugi but when he saw the passive look on Yugi's face his smile faded.

"Wait..Yugi. Did something happen when you finished it?" his tone serious now. Yugi looked down.

"I don't know exactly. When I put in the last piece it started to glow brightly and I felt a sort of pressure at the back of my head. And then I think I sort of blacked out because I don't remember anything after that" he said.

His grandpa looked thoughtful.

"Hmmm. You know Yugi.  I didn't want to say this before because I was worried it would freak you out. But I heard stories about the puzzle containing a spirit....of darkness"

Yugi's eyes widened.

"WHAT!?!?? But you told me that if I completed the puzzle it would fulfill a wish I made on it" he felt himself freaking out just like his grandpa had predicted.

His grandpa grabbed his shoulders and shook him a little.

"Calm down Yugi. Remember it's just stories I heard. For all I know it was just some scary story to get people away from ever completing the puzzle"

"Yes but what about the pressure at the back of my head?" He still wasn't sure what to believe now. 

His grandpa shrugged.  "Maybe from all the tension of working on the puzzle for 8 years. Since you completed it now I guess something clicked into place in your head"

'That sounds reasonable' Yugi thought and a soft smile appeared on his face. He suddenly felt tired even though he just woked up.

"I think I will sleep for a bit in bed now grandpa. I feel tired"

"Ofcourse my boy.  I'm pretty sure you hardly slepped at all last night. Remember to never fall asleep at your desk ever again" his grandpa said with a stern voice but smiled anyway.  He knew his grandpa could never be really angry with him for anything.

"Sorry grandpa.  And I will" he smiled softly and his grandpa tucked him in before he walked out of the bedroom closing the door.
Yugi closed his eyes.

'I still need to think about a wish' he thought as he drifted off to sleep unaware of the transparent figure that appeared next to his bed watching him.

"Sleep well...Partner"

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