Chapter 6

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Somewhere in California 1998
(AN: Since it was never specified where exactly Doma season took place besides being in California so I took the YGOTAS option xD)

Yugi watched with a solem look at Yami who was watching the sea from the beach where they washed upon. So much had happened in such a short time. He had lost his soul. The world was almost destroyed. But luckily Yami had been able to defeat Dartz and the darkness inside him. Of course he had been upset with Yami but he knew Yami would do anything to get Yugi back. To make things right again. And to tell you the truth. He even blamed himself a bit. Especially after Tea told him how lost Yami was after he lost Yugi's soul. He had been crying himself to sleep and didn't want to talk to anyone. He even let himself be punched by Joey and bashed by Rebecca. Yugi felt tears sting his eyes and promised himself to give Yami a big hug when they would be together in the puzzle tonight. Yami would need it and Yugi admitted he needed it too.

His train of thoughts was disturbed by the sound of a helicopter coming their way. He saw the all too familiar Kaiba Corp logo on the side which meant it could only be his friends.

"Yugi!!! You're okay" said Tea when she and Joey jumped out of the helicopter as soon as it had landed. Yugi smiled but grimaced when Joey tackled him painfully around his neck.

"Joey!! Let go! I can't breath" he wheezed and Joey released him from the stranglehold.

"Guys, let's go!  Otherwise Kaiba will leave us all on this island" said Tristan. They all walked to the helicopter until Yugi noticed Yami still standing at the same spot looking out over the sea. He stopped dead in his tracks and Tea asked him what was wrong.  Completely ignoring her he looked at Yami while sending him a mental message to come along.  Yami looked up and looked Yugi straight in the eyes.  It was obvious the spirit had a lot on his mind. He hoped he could talk to Yami soon.  The sooner the better he thought as he entered the helicopter.


As soon as the gang arrived at the serene spot where Rebecca had left the camper to set up camp Yugi excused himself to the camper saying he was tired.  Which he really was but he needed to have that talk with Yami before the spirit closed himself down even more. 
He laid down on one of the bunk beds,  cradled the puzzle in his hands and closed his eyes to guide his soul into his soul room.
Within seconds he appeared on the bed in his soul room and sat up.  The door that lead to the hallway was standing open as always. He quickly stood up and walked to the hallway to the door of Yami's soul room. The door was closed as usual.
Normally Yugi would knock before entering but he felt bold this time.  He was sure that if he hesitated for even a minute or knock on the door that Yami would lock the door and avoid him.  He frowned and pushed open the door to find it completely dark inside.  Normally Yami's soul room was lit with torches but now not a single light was visible. Yugi shivered but picked up the courage to step forward into the labyrinth that was Yami's soul room.

"Yami? Are you there?  Why is it so dark in here? Show yourself please.  I want to talk" he said while taking small steps foward. For a moment he only heard dead silence until the sound of torches getting lit one by one filled the air. 

"Partner.  What are you doing here? Are you in danger?" Yami asked from behind him.  Yugi swirled around and saw that Yami had his pokerface on.  He sighed.

"No.  No danger.  I just thought that..that we should talk.  About what happened. You know.  When my soul was taken by Dartz" he said carefully.  He knew Yami still felt guilty.  Even though he told him time and time and again that he forgiven the spirit. Yami's face didn't show any change except for his eyes which darkened with the untold truth.

The end is just the beginning Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant