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  Hey thanks for anyone reading this! If I can find out how, I might dedicate a chapter to you!-Tana

Leo's POV
  As we went to Diogon Ally, Nico looked really pissed. I guess I shouldn't have done that, huh? Oh well it's done now. I mean I wanted to kiss him, but he's straight. Right? I think so but.... what if....? I was ripped out of my thoughts by being pulled into a store.
"Hey, I was thinking!"
"Exactly. You would have missed the wand shop. I mean, you already spaced out the bank!"
Suddenly an old, wrinkly man popped up from behind the counter. He had white hair, was as skinny as Nico and was very happy.
"Hello demigods! Welcome to my wand shop!"
"Wha- Whe- Where- WHAT?!?! WE'RE NOT DEMIGODS!!!!!"😖 WE. WERE. DEAD.
"Hey Olivander. We need some wands. We're on a quest to protect the golden trio." Nico said, completely at ease. WHAT. Know what? I'm just gonna trust him in this.

*Teny weny time skip brought to you by tiny box tim!*

Nico's POV
We finished shopping and shadow traveled home. I promptly collapsed on the couch.
Night night!

Leo's POV
  I sat down on the couch next to Nico and studied him.He was soo cute and peaceful when he slept... It was adorable... WAIT... WHAT AM I THINKING ABOUT!!! I AM STRAIGHT. Yeah straight as a rainbow. Hey! Stupid author-chan...😡

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