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Oh. I just noticed I don't have a plot for this story. Oops. I guess I'll have to change that. - Mona

  Nico's POV
  "WHAT IN HADES!?!?!?" I had woken up to a completely PINK Hades cabin, excluding the clothes I was wearing.
  Leo's POV
  Oops. Maybe I shouldn't have pulled that prank on Nico. I heard his scream from all the way ( to fucking victory town) across camp. LA CUCARACHA, LA CUCARACH! My monster proof phone got a text. Oops again. Nico figured out I did it. "RUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I ran out of Bunker 9, the thought that Nico was right outside the (human sized) door,  not at all occurring to me.
"OOF!" I smacked my face right into him and we both fell, me on top of him.
"WILL YOU GET OFF OF ME, YOU BASTERED!!!" Oops. He was REALLY pissed now. As I pushed myself off the ground, being the gentleman I am, I offered him a hand, but got judo flipped.
  He twisted his ring and pressed his sword against my neck. The cold blade bit into my neck, and it felt as if my energy was being sucked into the weapon. Which, of course, it was.

  The next thing I know,  were falling into a chasm.

And I am maybe holding Nico's hand in mine.

Oooh, cliffhangers!!! Also I've found a plot! Whoo!! Bye my fellow drakons, see you soon! - Mona

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