Chapter 3

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Not definite, but I added a cast. For those of you without a computer, we have:

Lucia Caria - Lily Collins

Tristan Saerdum - Nicholas Hoult

Valentina Caria - Analeigh Tipton

Luna Caria - Michelle Pfeiffer

Gabriel - Hugh Jackman

Emma Corelley - Emma Stone

~Let your imagination run wild~


Lucia's POV

Three years later

"Mother, I'm back," I called into the cave.

"Ah! You're back, Lucia." Luna stuck her head out and smiled at me. "Nice to see you."

"Thank you, it's nice to be back," I replied, pushing down the truth trying to force its way out of my mouth.

I had just returned from a three-year long stay at the tribe of Lealis-Una. We may have been the strongest tribe, but they were the cruelest. My mother had sent me there after she found out about my interference with Tristan. She was not happy about it, and I'll admit, I came back changed. I no longer had any feelings for humans, and especially not Tristan.

"Lucia?" I heard Valentina's sleepy voice saying my name, and it made me smile. I had missed Valentina so much, it hurt. Rushing to her room, I burst through the curtains and saw her slowly sitting up, rubbing her eyes.

"Valentina!" I cried out happily.

"Lucia!" She yelled, and then proceeded to tackle me to the ground. I laughed and pushed her off me.

"It's so good to see you!" I exclaimed.

"You too! How was training camp?" she asked, suddenly serious.

"Difficult," I sighed. "But it's opened my eyes! I now understand why we must hunt men, and I am eager to try it again!"

Valentina took a step back from me with a shocked look on her face.

"You mean you actually want to eat men?" she asked me.

"Of course!" I replied. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Lucia..." she trailed off, lifting a hand to touch my cheek. "What have they done to you?"

"They've helped me understand, Valentina," I said, jerking away from her hand. "I thought you might, too."

With those words, I ran off into the same forest where I had prayed to the gods years ago.

Why can't anyone understand me? I thought to myself while sprinting into the trees. "Gods above, I don't think even I understand me."

When I reached a clearing, I fell to my knees with my head in my hands.

I had lied to Valentina.

For the first time in my life, I had lied to my sister. I had lied to myself. I had lied about being changed - I still had strong feelings for Tristan, and I still didn't know what they were. But while I had been at Lealis-Una, it had been excrutiating. Constant "working out", as they called it (it will never catch on), which meant lifting trees - yes, I said trees - and early morning island run-arounds. But throughout that time, I was determined to make it through and end this stupid rivalry between humans and sirens. I made a vow to let peace settle on the two races.

And that is just what I intended to do.


I walked back to the camp as the sun began to set. None of the girls were outside - probably all celebrating tonight's hunt in the cavern. I rubbed my growling stomach and made my way over to the Pen. Males were huddled and crouching in separate corners, hugging themselves. I opened the gate and cautiously stepped inside. Any man that was three feet near me scuttled away in fear.

I approached one slowly. He looked to be the oldest, so he was probably the wisest. He watched me with fearful green eyes and I found myself thinking of Tristan again. I shook my head to clear the foggy thoughts and sat down next to the man. He was still silently watching me.

"Hello," I whispered. "Will you help me?"

"I don't really have a choice, miss," he replied bluntly.

"I am giving you one," I responded. "If you are willing to help me, say yes. If not, then walk away and live the rest of your life a slave. You have one minute to decide."

His expression confused, he thought for a moment about my proposition. I could tell he was smart. He was trying to figure out what could go wrong with what I was asking but also what he could benefit from it.

His freedom.

After a minute passed, I stood up and put my hands on my hips.

"Well?" I asked. "Will you help?"

"I'll help you with whatever it is you need," he complied.

"My name is Lucia. What's yours?"

"Gabriel," he replied.

"Tell me about your world, Gabriel," I said, and sat down next to the broken man.

For an hour, Gabriel and I sat talking and eventually laughing about life. He told me that he used to be married with two children, but they were killed by my tribe when his boat was attacked. He had been Used by the siren Alessandra his entire stay here. During that time, she had never treated him any differently than an animal. It disgusted me. How could we be so uncaring? So...heartless? Perhaps the legends were true. Perhaps we were monsters. I voiced these thoughts with Gabriel and he smiled.

"Lucia, when you first came over to me, do you know what I expected? I was expecting that Alessandra had made a trade for me, or that I might be harvested. But you surprised me. In Ravenna, we know what sirens do. We have a theory about your kind. The more beautiful, the more dangerous. I think that theory applies to you - you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen," Gabriel said, and my face fell. I was the most dangerous?

"However," Gabriel continued and my head snapped up. "I believe your beauty can be used for good. Your 'difference' from the other sirens is what could save us all. I believe in you, Lucia. Don't ever let anything hold you back. Not even your sister."

I wiped the tears from my eyes and hugged Gabriel. His words were genuine, as was his heart. In the short amount of time I had known him, I knew that we had a connection. He was like the father I had never had.

Thoughts began filling my head when the word 'trade' was mentioned. You could trade a Pet? An idea started forming; I stood up and wiped the sand off of my rear.

"Gabriel, I'll be right back. I promise to help you, as you have helped me," I said and quickly ran off, leaving him with a puzzled look on his face.


I burst through the sheer fabric hanging in the doorway of the cavern. Sirens were everywhere, laughing and drinking nectar and sipping wine. I searched for my mother, and found her conversing with several other council members. I marched over to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Lucia!" she exclaimed, turning to face me. "What a nice suprise! I thought you didn't want to come."

"I want a Pet," I announced.

Luna stared at me with wide eyes, as did the rest of the girls.

"I thought you didn't want to..." Luna trailed off, uncertain.

"You thought wrong," I said. "I wish to make a trade with Alessandra."

Whispers filled the room as the crowd parted for Alessandra. She came to me, wary, and stood with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Well?" She asked.

"I wish to trade your Pet," I declared.

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