~Chapter 1 ~

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People you should know that  love comes and goes in your life. I always remember how my mom tell me that true love comes when you don't expected but for me I will never have true love. I dated a lot of guy's but because of my magic my relationship's didn't last long. If you wondering what my magic is it's water and that's a  problem. Well it's not a big problem just when is rain's I can't stop it and my boyfriend would ask me to stop, it but I can't and they just dump me. It's not my fault that I can't control the rain, it rain all the time if I'm around, but I can't help it and I give up on everything. I still wonder do true love comes when you don't expected it. Well I guess my mom was right because A certain ice wizard caught my eyes on the day we met.

                ~At Fairy Tail~

No one POV:

"So are we going on a mission today Lucy-chan" Wendy asking.

"Well I don't have to pay my rent this month, but I guess we should just relax today Wendy" Lucy reply while eating.

"I wonder where Natsu and Gray at they should be here already"

"Um Lucy look at the the door"

As Lucy look at the guild door's she see that one blue and the other one is red. After 2 seconds Natsu and Gray came in fighting and soon the whole guild was fighting.

"You know it was better when they was not here" Lucy said with a tick mark.

"But you wanted them here Lucy-chan" Levy said while reading her book.

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