And You Had A Heart Attack

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What were you expecting to happen arriving at a construction site, manned only by two adults who were probably not architects and a bunch of children?

General pandemonium? Falling beams? Failure to lift important construction elements? A hastily made roof that looked about to collapse on top of everyone?

Proper safety equipment?

Stephanie led you to the mayor's destroyed house. You began to notice construction materials scattered around. First, a piece of wood lying here, some metal sheets over there, ceiling tiles, and the closer you got, the more rubble you began to see more and more. This until Sportacus, Robbie, Stephanie and you arrived at a giant heap of rubble and construction material hazardously stacked in front of the mayor's garden. You passed the pile to see six people working diligently.

"Hello, kids!" Sportacus said.

Wait a second!

You let out a horrified scream, automatically backing up a few steps and bumping into the construction pile behind you.

"H... Hh... How..." you let out.

"Y/N! What happened? What's wrong?" Sportacus asked, running to your side, very alarmed at your sudden change in humor. Robbie Rotten started approaching you too.

You pointed a trembling finger at the people working, who now were just staring at you.

"They're all p-- puppets," you whispered, your voice extremely low.

You had just made a scene, but you honestly didn't care, because everyone was a puppet and anyone who was not a puppet acted like everything was well and dandy when everyone were clearly a moving, living puppet and that was not very normal at all.

Sportacus seemed pretty unsure of what to do with you at the moment. "Uh... uh. Y/N, these are Mayor Meanswell and Bessie Busybody--" he said, flopping a hand at the two adult puppets, who sort-of smiled at you, waving, plastic hair --and faces, and everything-- glinting in the sun. "--and these are the kids, Ziggy, Stingy, Trixie and Pixel."

"Hey," greeted you a girl with three pigtails sprouting from her head. Trixie. She was carrying a wooden plank over her shoulder with ease.

"Everyone's a puppet," you said again.

Robbie scrunched up his nose. "Don't point that out, it's rude."

"Anyways," Sportacus interrupted, turning to the puppet people and clearing his throat. "We came here to help with rebuilding the mayor's roof, with Robbie and Y/N here."

"But..." Said a blonde kid, Ziggy. He held a lollipop in one hand and overall had a rather clueless look. "Robbie was the one that crashed your airship, right? Why would he help us rebuild the house? It's all part of his evil plan!"

"That wasn't me," Robbie said, studying his nails. Apparently him being blamed of all evil on Lazy Town was pretty common.

"It wasn't Robbie," Sportacus said. "The airship, uh--" he glanced at you, paused, and then continued, "—started falling, and I went up to stop it from crashing, but I couldn't really make it on time, and then me and Y/N became trapped inside. Robbie rescued us from there."

"Really? Robbie Rotten saved you?" Said Stingy, turning to face you.

"Uh, yes," You said blandly, after seeing no one was answering, still pressed up against the pile of construction material.

"Hm," he said, then went back to hammering a nail into the middle of a single piece of wood.

Sportacus cleared his throat. "Well, let's do this," he told you.

He started towards the house, Robbie and Stephanie following close behind.

The conversation over, you tagged behind, looking up to see that the roof construction was, against the odds, going pretty well.

The structure seemed stable, even though the puppet people around you --and now Robbie, Sportacus and Stephanie too— were doing nothing that would actually help fix the roof, even if it looked construction-related. Stingy was still hammering down the single nail, Sportacus and Stephanie were just hoisting up wooden beams and tile and pieces of metal and walking around, and the rest were doing things of similar nature.

Except the boy, Pixel; he was just playing on his phone.

No one was wearing helmets or boots or anything of the sort, but at this point you had learned not to question stuff like that. If people wanted to be puppets, so be it. If someone wanted to gel their eyebrows, so be it. If no one wanted to use safety equipment, so be it. The puppets couldn't get hurt anyways. Probably.

You actually still felt a little unstable from your close encounter with them, but hey, there were worse things in the world than being stuck in a town populated by senitent puppets, right?


With a deep breath, you grabbed a wrench that stuck out of the pile of material and headed over to Sprotacus to ask him what to do. You felt he might still be a little angry with you for bringing destruction upon his town, but at least he didn't tell the rest of the people it had been you, so maybe the terms you were in weren't that bad.

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