Whoops, You Almost Got Killed, Now Would You Look At That

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Note: Blood is mentioned on this chapter.

With you passed out and lying on the ground, Robbie and Sportacus eyed each other.

"What did you do, Robbie?" Sportacus said, understandably stunned by the recent turn of events.  "This is... this is serious, Robbie, what did you do? Was it you?"

Robbie turned away.

"I didn't... It was an accident," he said.

In your unconscious state, you shifted and let out a whine, confirming that you were both a), still alive, and b), in dire need of immediate medical assistance.

Sportacus kept talking. "Accidents like these don't happen, Robbie. Y/N bit your hand? Does that have to do with... Why is Y/N just... dying?"

"No, no," Robbie muttered. "Y/N bit my hand, then I... I just accidentally dropped-"

"Were you holding them up?"

"No, no, I was just carrying Y/N, just carrying."

"And then... Y/N bit your hand. Why-" Sportacus, who had been wildly gesturing with his hands, suddenly stood still. "No, wait. You were carrying Y/N, to, apparently, the billboard, then they bit your hand, then you dropped Y/N." He narrowed his eyes. "Robbie?"

"I just wanted to..."


Robbie turned to face Sportacus. "Okay! Okay, yes, but it's not..."

Sportacus' eyes were becoming narrower. Robbie rushed his words.

"It's not what you think! Sportacus, just... Y/N asked for help, and I didn't want you to come, because I was planning to give the kids junk food and you were gonna ruin it, so I did this to stop you from coming, but you came anyways and this happened," Robbie blurted, making a gesture towards the general area of your limp body.

Sportacus knelt down besides you, lifting your head up a little. He suddenly noticed you weren't very well at all.

There was a small pool of blood in the spot in which your head was lying.

Something really, really wrong and real was happening right there in front of them, and they had stood arguing while it carried out.

Sportacus, ever so muscular, picked you up. A spot on your scalp was sticky and dark, the skin probably split. It was hard to see beneath all the blood, really.

"What are we gonna do?" Robbie asked faintly. "We don't even have a doctor in town, you always come before these things happen!"

"Not that these things tend to happen," Sportacus replied. "I'm taking Y/N up to the airship. We can't let the kids see this. STAIRS!"

Stairs descended from the skies at his command, and with you flung over his shoulder, Sportacus started to climb.

"And Robbie?" He said, pausing.

"Yeah?" Robbie replied.

"Don't... don't carry out one of your plans while I'm sorting this out, please. It's already difficult as it is."

Robbie didn't react for a second, but then managed a nod. "Sure, Sportacus."

Sportacus nodded to himself and then began his climb towards the skies and his ship once more.

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