Time To Panic

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Sportacus stared in bewilderment at his falling home. How did this happen?

Pandemonium raged. His blimp, although it moved slowly, was about to crash into Mayor Meanswell's house. He and Bessie Busybody were both standing outside and screaming at the oncoming tragedy. Sportacus had just gotten Stingy down from a tree
and was walking home, when suddenly his crystal started blinking. He didn't know why, at first, he had started running around and checking if people had left their stoves on, but then his airship wasn't in the place it had to be and oh no. He could see the kids hiding out in the park, looking at the imminent crash but staying where they were, probably told by someone to do so in order to avoid get hurt. Told by Stephanie, most likely.

After analysing the situation, Sportacus sprung into action. The blimp was, in fact, about to crash, but still high enough in the air for Sportacus to be able to execute his freshly concocted plan.

"STAIRS!" Sportacus yelled. He started somersaulting and ran towards the ship. He didn't have any sportscandy at hand to boost his acrobatic abilities, so his common ones had to do.

Sportacus sprinted across town, doing backflips as he went. He passed the plaza with the terrified children.

This was not the kind of problem that tended to trouble Lazy Town, not at all. Things were going to get destroyed and
Y/N was still up in the airship too.

He reached the rope ladder, which swung wildly from the blimp, and quickly started climbing. The blimp was falling very slowly, but Sportacus still didn't have much time. He reached the top and slipped into the white interior to find you screaming, swearing and desperately fumbling with the airship's controls while sitting on Sportacus' rocket shaped chair.

"SPORTACUS!" You cried when you heard him enter. He was racing towards you. He swooped you off the chair, putting his hands under your armpits and lifting you away. Sportacus then took your previous seat and started flipping switches and small controls.

Sure enough, Sportacus was able to stabilise the ship, raising both of you back into the air, although the house you had accidentally directed your ship at was as still dangerously close.

The airship was moving too slow.

It continued to rise but also continued to move forward. You helplessly watched through the glass in front of you how the airship got closer and closer to disaster.

Then the floor started trembling violently, a low rumble filling your ears.

You had crashed into the house.

You lost your balance and hit the floor. Sportacus was still driving, and you thought you heard a continuous scream below the sound of the airship grating against the mayor's home. The scream could have been coming from either Sportacus or yourself; you couldn't be really sure.

Your heartbeat pounded in your ears and your breath came out short. Scared and sweaty, you tried yelling Sportacus' name, but it was no use. There was too much noise and you could barely hear your own voice. The only thing you could do was to wait for the whole episode to be over. You hoped no one was still inside the house you were crushing; from above you had seen two (rather strange-looking, you couldn't place why exactly) older people hastily come out, back when you were trying to steer the blimp to safety on your own.

Now they were outside, screaming. You really hoped there wasn't anyone still in the house.

Then, as suddenly as it had started, the crash was over.

The muscular Sportacus had managed to lift the airship in the air far enough to stop the side from continuing to destroy the house below. As you flew higher up, it became silent.

"Sportacus?" You tried quietly. The silence felt strange, after all that clatter.

"I have to return the airship to its spot," he simply said.

You nodded, even though he couldn't see you.

"Y/N, how..." Sportacus said, then stopped. He started again. "How did this happen? Do you know? Was it you?"

"No," you said bleakly. "I just tried to lift the thing up when it started falling, but I couldn't."

You stayed silent for the rest of the trip.

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