New Year's Eve Reflections

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The six-point stars drop soundlessly and clump upon the ground

Does a single word seem like it would the perfect silence cleave?

Their whiteness coats the world, no imperfections to be found

Do you ever stop to contemplate a quiet winter's eve?


The flakes compact beneath my boots as stealthily I creep

Through drifts of white, as fluidly as water through a sieve

Stars keep their watch, the sky's awake, though all beneath it sleep

All but I who contemplate this peaceful New Year's Eve.


My breath turns cloudy in the air as I take it in, agape

The chill slides in to play with skin, under hat and through the sleeve

Soft snowflakes still are drifting, each in gorgeous chiseled shape

A white new year will follow close behind this wintry eve.


My shining eyes reflect the sky as my heartbeat starts to soar

The constellations wink at me -- they're alive, I do believe

And though the whispers of my wishes have been lost at sea before

I lift my eyes and wish for you on this silent winter's eve.

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