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The room bears not a trace of light,

Enveloped in the living night;

"What time is it?" she wearily wonders,

As her own heartbeat within her ears thunders.


Her breathing is measured, her thoughts a mess,

Her silken nightgown a gentle caress;

Perfectly snug in her blankets and sheets,

Another horrid night on constant repeat.


She doesn't fear monsters under her bed,

Only the ones inside her head -

They pounce and drag her under in sleep,

Dreams she can't shake of things she can't keep.


Exhaustion finally takes its toll,

A stab of fear penetrates her soul;

She panics as her eyelids close -

For when sleep comes, the nightmare knows.


Oddly slurred sounds, distorted forms,

Her hair is drenched from the pouring storms;

A flash of lightning reveals his face,

But as she reaches, he's gone without a trace.


Her eyes fly open, she gasps for air,

Her scream comes alive from her raging nightmare;

She blinks, and the tears come, making chapped lips smart -

Because dreams of him stem from a broken heart.

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