"I can walk myself you know" she snapped "I'm not completely helpless"

"I'm only trying to be a gentleman" Blake explained calmly "A lady such as herself shouldn't have to struggle over anything."

Isabelle sighed and ignoring his hand, walked around the rock.

"My, you are stubborn lately." Brent laughed gently.

"Forgive me." Isabelle replied "I've just been under a lot of stress lately."

"Trying to prove yourself to your family?" Brent asked "There is a lot of pressure with this election."

Isabelle nodded "There's just so much to be done" She pulled out her fan and fanned her face gently. If only he knew what she really had to deal with.

"Well, you're doing amazing. You've already got me impressed." He paused and turned to face Isabelle "I know you can handle things. Did it ever occur to you that I only offered you my hand because it's an excuse to touch you?"

He continued walking and Isabelle blushed. Okay, sometimes he could be charming.

They walked for a few more minutes more before Blake spoke again. "You know, Isabelle, I've been thinking."

Isabelle sighed in annoyance "I told you forever ago you could call me Izzy"

"But Isabelle is far more pretty." Brent replied "Anyway, we should maybe talk about the future."

Isabelle froze where she stood, her blood running cold.

"We get along well, don't we? And we look could together, people love us. Your father is sure to win and election and my father is sure to help him. We're quite a power couple, don't you think?" Brent continued.

Isabelle swallowed. Her mouth was suddenly dry. "I suppose so." She choked out.

"Listen" Brent said, looking her in the eyes "This isn't a proposal, trust me that would be better, bigger and more public, but maybe marriage is something we should think about."

Isabelle could feel his eyes on her but hers were only trained on the ground. "I'm not sure." She replied, finally looking up "I don't know if that's what I want. You're great but there are things in the way. I don't know if I feel that strongly."

Brent sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked annoyed. "Is this because of my friends and my.... habits? That's all it is. I can quit any time. So what if I'm not perfect? Good luck finding any man whose any better. I could find a thousand girls who would throw themselves at me if I asked rather than pulling away. You're not the best either but come on, Isabelle. No on marries for love. This is a business deal. Think logically."

Isabelle took a deep breath. He was right. Only the luckiest of people married for love. But still.... this couldn't be all there was.

"We'd be good, Isabelle. Good business and I think we'd be happy. We both could do better but we both could do worse." Brent added.

Isabelle suddenly felt nauseous. She wanted, needed, to be anywhere but here.

"I'll think about it, I promise. You're right, Brent but I don't feel well now. I feel faint and my head is throbbing." Isabelle said quickly.

"That's okay, dear." Brent said sweetly "Your very stressed and this is too much for your delicate sensibilities. I'm sorry." His voice had a hint of condescension "You women can be so fragile, but it's not your fault. I'll walk you back to the house."

"Yes, thank you." Isabelle said quietly.


Isabelle sat in her room, curled up on her bed. Her dress exchanged for a night gown and her hair falling over her shoulders. She didn't say anything to her mother about what Brent wanted but chances are she already knew and he had already asked her parents. The servants had sent up dinner awhile ago but Isabelle wasn't very hungry.

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