Chapter 1

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12 years later.

Tash carefully adjusted the clockwork piece that rested at the base of her throat and looked in the mirror. Her hair was pulled to the side and fell over her shoulder in thick black waves. She reached up and fixed her fancy jacket, carefully adjusting the collar and smoothing out the seams. It hugged her body tight, revealing her figure and lead nicely into the thick shirt of her dress. She looked herself over in the mirror and had to admit that it looked good, if not entirely practical. It was far more cumbersome and restricting than what she was used to but it would serve her purposes tonight. This time she was to play the part of the helpless noble woman and she would play her part well.

A few quick knocks at the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Tash! Are almost ready?" a male voice called from outside.

"I'll be out in a minute!" Tash answered, turning away from the mirror.

Her room was a small one, simple but clean and elegant. Certainly better than many others had. There was a bed in one corner and a set of drawers and a desk off to the side. The desk was covered in various papers and documents arranged in a not too organized manor. Tash went over to the desk and grabbed a knife that had been hiding amongst the pages. It was thin and sharp with an inscription written in Latin on the hilt. "Carpe noctem", "Seize the night". It had been a gift from the old head of the thieves. She had already had a few weapons hidden on her, including a small pistol tugged up her sleeve but it didn't hurt to be prepared. Besides the small dagger had always brought her luck. She quickly put the dagger in a hidden pocket in the skirt of her dress and headed towards the door.

She opened the door and almost ran into Zatch who was pacing on the other side. He was young, about Tash's age, with brown hair and hazel eyes. He had an athletic build, as most thieves have to, and stood slightly taller than her. Unlike Tash, he was not dressed as the upper class but instead wore the uniform and light armor all the thieves wore when out on a job.

He stopped pacing as she came out and quickly looked her over.

"Well" he said with a laugh "You actually don't look half bad. I might even believe your proper lady"

Tash smiled and pushed him out of the way with laugh. They had been friends since they were small and though he could be annoying at times, the thieves couldn't ask for a better second in command.

Tash's room was attached to the area of the underground where all the thieves gathered. The underground was a series of tunnels and caverns, similar almost to the sewers that ran beneath the city. The only difference was that the tunnels were larger, the water was cleaner and the underground was far more populated. The main area belonging to the thieves was a large curricular cavern with two tunnels branching off in different directions. A large pool filled most of center of the cavern and flowed off down one of the tunnels. The edges of the cavern were lined with rooms, some private quarters, others for training, and some for storage or hiding important things. A raised platform ran along the wall of about half the cavern and stairs ran down to the main floor. This second level also contained many rooms. The main floor was full of thieves, some sitting at tables, drinking, others mulling about trying to get business done. It was a busy and crowded place but it worked well for the thieves and was a well-known part of the underground, although few besides the thieves were let in. Tash's room was located on the upper balcony. Not all the thieves lived in the main hideout but it was important that Tash was close to the action.

Tash walked over to the railing lining the balcony and looked out over the thieves. Many of them were donning there weapons and preparing for the heist ahead.

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