Chapter 7

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Micah followed Tash and Josh down the shady alley ways. It was clear that they were in a very rough part of town. The buildings here were even more decrepit than they had been elsewhere and the air had a sharp, chemical odour. Shadows built up in every corner and Micah swore that he could see shapes moving in them. He kept his eyes forward and ignored what he was sure was whispering. He wasn't afraid. What was a few spiders and beggars? He'd seen worse.

The street was eerie quiet before Tash finally spoke.

"Welcome to the shadow district" Her voice was solemn and cold "The home of ghost and beggars and those who've lost their minds. Be careful when you walk here. They won't think twice before ending your life. I can only scratch up a little sympathy for these poor souls. They chose to bury their pain in drink and drugs and run and now, they are a threat to everyone, with nothing to lose. I do feel badly for them, but it wasn't me who forced them here."

Micah followed her gaze to where a man was slumped on the wall, his gaze empty and lifeless. He looked their way, but it was unlikely he saw anything. A movement in the shadows drew Micah's attention to one of the ruined buildings. A haggard looking women peered out at him. As he met her gaze she only hissed and ran off.

Tash led them onward, past the ruined buildings and overgrown concrete. Micah heard a very distinct whispering beside him and tuned to see a small hunched over man. He had cap pulled down low over his face and a bag of unidentifiable power in his hand. He looked a Micah and made beckoning gesture. He nodded and smiled, showing rotted yellow teeth. Micah looked over at Tash. She shook her head and they continued on. The man called out but Micah didn't look back.

"There are a lot of drugs in the underground" Tash said as they walked "Nothing you'd want to try. You look for a moment of escape and the next thing you know you're completely empty, unable to move or speak or remember your own name. You could find anything you want down here. I hear it's quite a fun pass time of the rich"

Micah purposely kept his mouth shut and didn't say a word but continued to walk. The silence stretched on. Occasionally people would walk by them, mostly beggars or rough looking individuals. Tash explained how there were many gangs in the underground. Just because you were all in the same society didn't mean you were all friends.

They walked undisturbed until a man with dirty skin and torn clothes slammed into Tash. They both stumbled back on impact and the man looked at Tash in disgust.

"Watch where you're going, Bitch" He snarled pushing past her.

Tash didn't do anything, just gritted her teeth. The man walked past and Josh stepped in front of him.

"Maybe you should watch where you're going" Josh said, his voice cold.

The man just walked away, knocking against Josh's shoulder. Micah looked after him in awe and turned to Tash.

"Who does he think he is?" Micah snapped "Doesn't he know who you are?"

"I didn't even know who she was" Josh said with a laugh "And I've been doing business with her for years. Everyone knows her reputation and everyone knows of her, but no one knows her face. The first time I saw her was a few weeks ago"

"It's better that I remain unseen" Tash explained "As you may imagine, thieves make enemies. My thieves are well liked by some, despised by others. We do what is best for us. We're not these people's heroes. My reputation is all I need. True or not, that's how they know me and it gives me power. Now" Tash shook her head and flashed a smile "I'm done with these depressing streets. Let's move on"

She walked off and Josh and Micah hurried to catch up. Micah tried to take in the world around him and the person in front of him. Things in the underground were not going to be simple. It looked like nowhere in society was free of fighting. In the end, you looked out for yourself. Tash understood that and so did he.

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