Chapter 3

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Wheels rumbled across the cobblestone as the carriage pulled away, taking off and disappearing around the bend. A girl followed it down the road for a few paces, her blond hair flying out behind her and her blue eyes flashing angrily. She stopped in the middle of the road, panting. Isabelle sighed in frustration. She was a high class lady. She would not be treated like this.

She stomped her foot angrily in one the puddles covering the street and groaned as water splashed up on her dress. "I mean, it's fine, it's not like this dress was the height of fashion or anything, not to mention expensive." Isabelle thought. Oh and her shoes!

Isabelle stormed off the street and went to stand by her packages. She had gone on a shopping spree and the carriage was meant to take her home. Of course, that didn't happen. He was meant to wait for her but obviously took off a few seconds too early. Didn't he know who he was working for? Her father was one of the most important politicians in the city. We'd just see if he ever gets any business again.

With a sigh Isabelle picked up her packages, struggling to hold them all, and began to walk. It wasn't long before Isabelle had left that part of town and stumbled into somewhere a little darker. Unfortunately the quickest way home involved passing through one of the poorer parts of town. Everywhere she looked was beggars and dirty children. The streets were covered in grim and the smell was anything but pleasant. Why couldn't the poor just learn to clean up a little?

Isabelle pulled her packages close to her chest and tried to stay out of reach of greedy hands. Everyone knew about the thieves and Isabelle was sure she looked like a good target. She was rather thin and delicate looking. Even the worse thief could probably wrestle her packages free.

Isabelle moved carefully, trying not to draw attention to herself, her bright clothes looked very out of place amongst the shadows and rags. It wasn't long before one of the beggars realized that she didn't belong and called out to her.

"Lady! Please, Lady!" the women was very old, with large gaps in her yellowing teeth "Just a few coins for an old women!"

Isabelle put her head down and kept walking.

"I have young ones to feed, Lady, please!" The women cried again.

"Leave me alone!" Isabelle called back "I have nothing to give you!"

"Money for the poor" An old man along the side of the road said, looking up at her with sad eyes "or maybe some food."

"No!" Isabelle snapped, becoming frustrated. The poor always asked for so much. They weren't really her problem. They were poor for a reason. They were somehow unable to work their way up in the world like everyone else. The government was doing what it could for them, but there was only so much they could do.

"Lady" another women said, dragging a child behind her "Please. You have to help us." She reached out and gently grabbed the edge of Isabella's dress, trying to get her attention.

"Don't touch me!" Isabelle turned in a rage, ripping her dress free. "Keep your filthy hands away! I can't deal with all your begging! Take care of yourselves and keep away from me! You're pathetic!"

The woman moved back her eyes full of shock and hurt. All the beggars moved away and a heavy silence filled the streets. They watched Isabelle carefully and whispered quietly to each other as she walked away down the street.

She moved quickly, her anger slowly fading. You'd think they'd be used to that kind of treatment by now. People did far worse to them. It wasn't that Isabelle condoned it, she herself had spoken to her father on their behalf, but it was the way it worked. Her father was doing the best he could. He was doing what was best for the city and she trusted him.

As she walked she spotted a small girl on the side of the street. The dress she worn was filthy and torn and the ribbon in her blond hair looked like it would fall apart at any moment. Still the child looked up and shot her a tentative smile. She was still trying to be happy despite it all. Isabelle suddenly felt a little bad and sorry for the poor. They weren't all bad, but still it wasn't up to her to help them.

Her thoughts were interrupted as another body slammed into hers, sending her packages flying across the street. One even snagged on her necklace, ripping the clockwork piece off her throat and sending it falling to the ground.

"Ugh!" Isabelle snarled in frustration "Watch where you're going!"

She bent down to pick up some packages and she reached for her necklace just as the stranger reached down and grabbed the piece.

"That's mine!" Isabelle yelled, looking at the stranger for the first time.

She was young, about Isabelle's age, and was dressed very nicely for this part of town. She appeared to be high class. She wore a black cloak over her shoulders that matched her long raven hair. Her blue eyes were cool and thoughtful as she looked down at the gear.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" she said turning the clockwork piece over in her hands "I thought it was mine" The stranger looked up at her and smiled "I have one just like it."

"You do?" Isabelle asked skeptically. She felt a little better knowing this women wasn't one of those poor beggars but still she didn't quite trust her.

"Yes" the women gave Isabelle her necklace back and gently pulled out a necklace from under her dress. It was an exact replica of Isabelle's, right down to the grooves and designs carved into the sides.

"That's so strange" Isabelle said with a laugh "I really thought we had the only two like it."

"The only two?" The stranger asked, her eyes curious.

"Yes, me and my twin brother. Our grandfather gave them two us. Some kind of family heirloom I guess. Where did you get yours?"

"Same as you, it was gift." The stranger smiled "Oh, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Tash." She held out her hand and Isabelle shook it.

"I'm Isabelle."

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you" Tash said, her voice animated. "I am terribly sorry about running into you. I can be so clumsy."

"It's no big deal" Isabelle chimed "To be honest it's nice to run into someone of high class, with some many poor people about"

Tash just smiled. "And imagine running into someone with the same clockwork piece! What are the chances? I thought I had the only one. It's just crazy. Call it fate I guess." Tash laughed.

"I know!" said Isabelle "Maybe we were destined to meet or something like that"

"Yes" Tash laughed "Something like that, I'm sure. Things can get so confusing in this city. It's nice to run into someone who sees things the way you do. Oh and I must say your dress is simply lovely."

"Why thank you!" Isabelle turned showing off its design "It's new. Sent write from the designer herself. Unfortunately it's a little muddy at the moment. It's so hard to find good help these days." She was really starting to like this Tash girl. Just when your day starts going terrible something crazy happens to turn it around.

Tash opened her mouth to speak but Isabelle cut her off, looking down at the watch on her wrist. "Oh I really must be going. I do hope to see you again sometime."

Isabelle turned and began walking down the street as Tash bounced up beside her.

"What a coincidence! I'm going this way to." Tash shot her a beaming smile. "I'll walk with you. I believe we have a lot to talk about." 

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