Chapter 10

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"And that's why I should be re-elected as one of your governors" Richard Harringway said, smiling widely at the reporters who flocked around him "This whole city is like a family to me and I plan to treat it like one. Everyone, rich or poor, will be protected and cared for."

"They will still be kept separated though? The rich from the poor and these so called 'undergrounders'?" One of the reporters asked, his pen and notebook in his hands.

"Well, of course" Richard replied with a laugh "All families must have rules and restrictions. Parents must control and discipline their children, just as the rich must control and discipline the poor. I plan to clean up these streets and provide a better life for all. Soon this dysfunctional city will be a functional, supportive, compassionate family, much like mine here."

He smiled widely as he gestured to his wife and kids at his sides. Micah tried not to visibly flinch as he rested his hand on his shoulder. Micah just smiled at the crowd, the same fake, plastered on smile he'd been practicing since he was four. He couldn't let them see what he were really thinking, that this family was anything but supportive and happy. It didn't matter if it was true, it just had to look good.

Micah looked at his father out of the corner of his eye. He wasn't a small man. He had broad shoulders and was quite tall. He used to be muscular, but the muscles had since been replaced by a round stomach and a roll of fat that snuck out over his belt. His light brown hair and beard were turning grey and his hair line was beginning to recede. His blue eyes sparkled. There was nothing Micah's father loved more than a crowd.

On Richard's other side stood Micah and Isabelle's mother, Scarlet. She smiled at the crowd and looked like the perfect example of a proper lady. Her peaceful blue eyes gave nothing away and her bleach blonde curls fell over her shoulders in perfect ringlets. Isabelle stood at her side, standing just as her mother was. Together they were the perfect family.

Micah fixed the uncomfortable jacket he had been forced to wear. He ran his fingers through his hair, ruining what their servant lady had smoothed down that morning. He was good a pretending, but he was not going to play the perfect son.

Richard went on to explain a few more of his policies. With everything he said the reporters smiled and nodded their approval. Micah rolled his eyes. Of course they approved, they didn't have much of a choice. There was no real news in the city. All of the press was easily bought. Money was power and money was something his family had a lot of.

"We've heard all of your plans for the city and the future" One of the reporters spoke up "Would you mind if we asked some questions about your family?"

"Of course" Richard said with a smile "What would like to know?"

Micah sighed. The press were also horrible gossips. Your reputation and family life were just as important as your campaign promises in this city.

"You and your wife have both had great success" The reporter continued "I'm sure your children will do just as well. You have the most eligible bachelor and bachelorette in all of London in your care. Any news about that? Word on the street is that Isabelle and Mr. Brent Snyder have been having some trouble lately? Is the lovely lady back on the market?"

Richard chuckled "Brent is from a very good, respected family and his parents are good friends of ours. He is a fine, young gentleman. He and Isabelle have had some rough patches, as all young couples do" he laughed again "But they are still very much together and things are going well. I'm sorry to disappoint, gentlemen."

The crowd laughed as Micah glanced over at Isabelle. She looked uncomfortably at her shoes for a moment before returning her fake smile to the crowd.

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