jungkook trembled as he spoke. "cold in my heart too."

"oh jungkookie," he said softly, his throat beginning to tighten with the urge to cry. "i miss hearing you laugh at tv in the mornings and grumble your thanks for breakfast. i miss our nights on the couch, ah i miss you." he took a breath. "i miss us."

his words came out shaky and jungkook looked up. a barely visible smile brushed over his lips as if he was a canvas, his eyes shone with an affection in them jimin hadn't expected from him.

"i miss you too. i miss us." the younger smiled wider as he spoke.

"so you finally accept it huh?" jimin teased him. his two lips were forming a smile of their own trademark and a small laugh flitted from his throat.

jungkook tinged red and giggled as well.

"yeah. i miss your jokes and laughter a lot jiminie." jungkook looked at him through the glass. from his previous saddened expression that seemed entirely unwilling to leave his pool of despair, jungkook looked better now. nose scrunched a bit as he smiled and cheeks lifted with it, and his mouth quirked up just slightly when he spoke. he looked happy.

out of nowhere jimin raised his hand and poked the glass, aiming for jungkook's nose. this resulted in a small laugh coming from the other.

then he set his hand flat against the window, an even fonder smile than before now on his lips.

"but remember jungkook, i love you okay?"

jungkook sniffled once more and pushed his hand right up against jimin's. to him, it was almost like he could feel the warmth of his skin through the chilled surface of glass. it was made the waves inside him calm down to small ripples in the water.

"i love you too jiminie."

then all of a sudden, the door jungkook had stepped through slammed open, echoing a loud bang around the room and causing the two males to twist their heads in its direction.

"mr. jeon jungkook! your time is up!"

jungkook whipped his head back to face him, eyes fearful now of what was to happen. in a quick motion he stood from his chair and leaned closer to the glass, resting his forehead against it.

"no, i don't want to go yet. i don't even know the next chance ill get to see you!" he spoke with such an urgent tone it could count as a plea. jimin couldn't have his jungkook pleading like this so he stood as well and pressed his forehead close to the glass too, face in front of jungkook's.

"do well in college for me okay kookie? keep those grades up and remember to stay away from those guys. think of me all day and when you're down, remember all our fun times together." jimin laughed as he stared at the other solemnly.

"jungkook! it's time!" the loud voice from before said once more and obviously started to get closer when the owner realized jungkook wasn't budging.

"jiminie please don't let them force me away!" jungkook started to tear up again and jimin frowned.

"don't move on jungkookie, ill be out before you know it okay?" jimin croaked into the receiver. he was having trouble trying to swallow his tears as well. jungkook only began to cry. "i love you, okay?"

jungkook was however yanked backwards and away from the glass pane that had separated them both. the phone that had been been in his hand clanked back down against the desk, dangling from its holder on the wall.

the younger male struggled in the other man's grip, a bit startled with the force.

"jimin!" he cried, clearly panicking.

the said male only watched them in a now gloomy state. he watched the person that he recognized in a guard uniform drag a pleading and crying jungkook from the room. jimin didn't like how he was manhandling his boyfriend, not one damn bit. but he had to go.

and jimin had to go too.

so jimin turned his back to the glass and sauntered away from the booth. a bitter smile carved into into his face and tears began to travel on down his cheeks.

he'd miss his kookie.

he just hoped he could push through the tough times approaching. for himself and the both of them. so then they could be together, and he could hug jungkook close again.

they could sleep together, and cuddle. just be together after jimin's supposed 'crime'. so jimin could show jungkook just how much he was a part of him and they could finally be whole.

so he could show jungkook that he was indeed worth something to somebody by the name of park jimin.


i just got my wisdom teeth out and to it didn't hurt at all, UNTIL i realized one side had stitches in my cheek and it fucking hurts man :( i just want to eat but it hurts to move it UGH

value || jikookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon