Sunny Days (Hau's Perspective)

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I'm in the middle of a long battle with an Elekid, at this point it's just me throwing pokéballs at it and hoping it will get caught, and healing my Torracat when she gets too low of health. The Elekids health isn't that low because I would've knocked it out if I attacked it again. So I threw another great ball at it, I didn't have any ultra balls or else I would've thrown those.

The second I throw the pokéball at it, my eyes are wandering around the route restlessly. I wish this battle was over. I'm in the grass that is closest to route 13 and I'm really impatient to run around and explore the new route. Also to get some ultraballs to catch more Pokémon with.

   Standing or sitting still is hard for me to do. I have ADHD, and I normally take meds twice a day for it. Today I ran out, but because of my age only my grandpa can get them for me. He said he would get them later and drop them off with me, and he said we could go out to eat too. He's always really busy though so I don't know what time he'll be able to see me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the familiar click sound that meant I caught the little guy. Woohoo!" I pump my fist in the air, I'm excited to be able to raise and evolve him. I picked up my new friends pokéball and placed it gently into my backpack. My bag was already open since I didn't want to take it off and open it every turn so I could throw pokéballs. The couple times I've seen sun when he's catching a Pokémon that's how he does it. Maybe things are just different in Kanto.

   I didn't know that there were Elekid on this route, but when I ran into one I knew I had to catch one. I've always loved Electivire, it's one of the Pokémon that my dad had on his team when he was still around. He would leave Electivire to watch me when he would go out and grandpa was busy. He was a great babysitter, except when an Electivire is excited, they thump their chest and create electric sparks. One time the sparks set my hair on fire, and then grandpa had to be around when I was with Electivire.

   I put my backpack on, and started running towards where route 13 is. Suddenly I see Sun riding a Taurus, and I start to run faster. I know I can't beat him if he's on a Taurus, but I don't care. He gets off his Taurus and waits for me to catch up to him. I tried to stop but I couldn't stop my momentum, suddenly I lurched forward. The ground was coming fast and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for slamming my face against the rocky ground.

   I felt Sun grab onto my arm and pull me back to a standing position. "Thank you Sun, you seriously saved me. I'm seeing my grandpa later and he probably would've thought I got beat up or something." I laughed at the thought, but I was really impressed that Sun was able to catch me. I've never even been able to catch my phone when it falls.

   "No problem, I know it's what you would do. True friends never let each other go. Literally." Sun said with an awkward sounding laugh at the end. I wonder why he felt awkward? Maybe he doesn't think I would catch him if he was falling? "I'll never let you go either Sun." I realized he still was squeezing my arm. It's kind of weird, and I normally would've just told him that it's kind of weird.

   Lately though, I give more thought about what I'm going to say. I've been doing it since Gladion and I became friends. It started the night when I found Gladion crying, since I knew if I said the wrong thing up I could make him feel way worse. So I had to make sure that what I was saying matched what I wanted to say in my brain. Like a filter.

   I realize that Sun has been talking while I've been thinking about Gladion. Fuck I keep zoning out today. I don't want to miss something important. Luckily he was just talking about rare Pokémon he's caught. "Oh wait sun, I have something I wanted to give you!" He let go of my arm, and I took off my backpack and grabbed a max potion and gave it to him.

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