Chapter 13

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The four enemies looked at each other spark flying between thir stares waiting for somebody to run away or make the first move and start the battle nobody wanted to have. If the gods were watching they were for sure on the edges of their seats unsure who would start the fight between people who used to be family.


His own heartbeat beated in his ears, (y/n) never not wanted to fight always smiling when it was about to begin but now it was against family people he called friends and trusted with his live but the trust they had was ripped apart by Guldurdor and his own journey of power hidden in the scroll he held.

He took a deep breath reminding himself that Willaim begged of him to keep the scroll away from Guldurdor and make sure the content would never be revealed.

He closed his eyes seeing a picture before the treason with the group standing by the training grounds with other rookies but the twins on either side of (y/n) and Helen on his shoulder leaning on his head. It was a painting William let make and kept it as one of his favorite but now it was probaly already destroyed but he smiled at the thought of it knowing that he may never get it back but he would always be gratefull for the good times.

He shot three fireballs at the same time at the group separating them from each other leaving a gap right to Guldurdor, (y/n) used whirlwind spirit to get in range for a strike but Guldurdor ducked back just making the blade pass over his head by a inch.

(Y/n) dropped down and kicked the feet out of under Guldurdor making him fall on his back and drop the scroll who rolled away out of their reach. (Y/n) raised the blade for a stab but somebody kicked him in the back sending him over Guldurdor rolling on the cold snow.

(Y/n) stood up looking back seeing Anudor charge at him trying to hit him with his shield but (y/n) stepped back tripping Anudor when he passed. (Y/n) ducked when a arrow almost hit him in the back of the head but thanks to his fast reflexes he dodged now throwing more fireballs behind him to Thonchon but the elf rolled away.

Thonchon stood up placing three arrows on the bow and fired them all three but (y/n) blockted with his blade and used the 'fire breath' shout getting countered by a 'frost breath'. Helen teleported behind him trying to stab him but (y/n) spinned around kicking her in the side hard enough to send her away but Anudor finally came back.

The elf swinged his elven sword but (y/n) blockted the blade just getting a shield smacked in his face as response followed by a pretty hard kick to the stomach.

(Y/n) stopped back holding his stomach in pain yet he looked up to see the swing to his neck and he rolled under the sword behind Anudor, the elf turned around to get kicked in the face and then got the hilt of the sword on the back of his head.

Thonchon placed three explosive on his bow and aimed firing them in different directions catching (y/n) in the blast radius sending (y/n) against the wall that stood on the mountain for some reason.

They gathered around him (except Guldurdor) thinking he was death but (y/n) used the unlentering force shout to push them all back and attack them when they were stunned.

He jumped up and kicked Thonchon in the chest pushing off to spin around in the air kicking Anudor this time before landing.
(Y/n) landed on his feet and went for Helen sliding under her pulling her legs out of under her so she would fall and he could run to Guldurdor.

The black-swords leader laughed and pulled his twins swords out ready for the fight but a potion landed between them and created a ice wall bigger and thicker then a giant.

Skyrim : book 1 - the dragonborn found (continues in my next book) Where stories live. Discover now