Chapter 4

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When they returned they were greeted as heroes by the black-swords soldiers and guards but the cheering died down when they spotted the elder scroll on (y/n) back.

William himself stood by the gates looking the elder scroll over and over but his true concern was by one of his sons, Guldurdor who had a look of hate and jealousy at the scroll clenching his fists.
Willaim : im happy to see you all return safety...... i guess we have a lot to talk about.

To willaim office

Guldurdor and Anudor were not present, Anudor was sent to some healers for a check up while Guldurdor was send because he looked effected by whatever the scroll showed him.
Willaim had the scroll on the table looking at it scared with the three teenager standing in a line infront of him waiting for him to start speaking about whatever they should do now.
Willaim : so they guarded a elder scroll.......... what did it show Guldurdor ?
Helen : we don't know he kept saying things and rambling on and on.
William : (sigh) that would explain the look he gave the scroll............. whatever stand in here must be very dangerous.
(Y/n) : agree
Thonchon : what will you do with it father ?
Willaim : im going to put it away somewhere it won't be found but it ain't your concern so please go to your room and sleep and i make sure everything is ready to call all of you true black-swords members.

They saluted as a sigh of respect and marched out waiting until they were sure they were out of earshot and alone.
Helen : what are we now gonna do ? We can't forgot what just happend !
(Y/n) : we don't have a choice......... its William orders and if he says that he takes care of it were in no position to question him.
Thonchon : he is right im scared too friend but sadly our job is done.

Helen shook her head and walked ahead going to her room.
(Y/n) : i see you tomorrow brother
Thonchon : will do

They parted both going to there own room feeling very tired from fighting all day but were excited that they finnaly would become what they dreamed off.

Same time in a secret room with Guldurdor

The elf could't get the visions out of his head, the power of a deadra ? Could this be a powerfull artifact that would give him the power he dreamt off and help him get what was his.
He smirked and started playing with a knife from his belt slowy turning it between his fingers.

The two nords that always followed Guldurdor came into the room closing the door behind them so nobody would interrupted or listen to there conversation.
Nord : are you okay sir ?
Guldurdor : (smirks evily) more then ever, i saw a glimpse of true power that would soon be mine. I just need to have the scroll back and then my destiny is written in the stars.
Nord : but sir your father hided the scroll probaly somewhere far away where only he knows the true location.
Guldurdor : no the old fool would keep it close by the castle but your right he is the only one who knows where and he never tells me but im sure he tells his favorite of the location.......... if he has no other option.

The elf threw the knife through the room right into a drawing off (y/n) with 'daddy little bandit' written above it.
Guldurdor : guys prepare everything, my plan is going into motion right now !

The nords smirked just like him with evil inside of them and nodded eager ready for what was about to come.

(Sorry its short guys but i just wanted to make a awesome cliff hanger.... i love skyrim and thats why i can promise you that i will make more chapters but also more bookd but for now im gonna focus on this.
(If you have a idea or a suggestion let me know and again i want to mention the stealth elf thing and ask you to accept it and please read and like (if you liked) the book and follow me on wattpad and try out my other stories. )

(I also wanted to mention that i have dyslexia and sometimes just write something wrong or just type to fast but i try not to make to much mistakes but if something bothers you please don't be afraid to let me know,)

Skyrim : book 1 - the dragonborn found (continues in my next book) Where stories live. Discover now