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Source: Mental Health Daily


#4.Personality Disorders

Personality disorders can be closely related to mental illness, but are considered a set of traits that make it difficult to function within society.

People with a personality disorder may have trouble maintaining relationships, holding down a steady job, and/or coping with life.
For example, someone with dependent personality disorder may be too afraid to leave an abusive relationship. This "dependency" may lead the person with this disorder to consider suicide as an escape from their circumstances.

On the same token, avoidant personality disorder can lead individuals to avoid social contact because they are afraid they will be rejected or won't fit in. This can result in feelings of isolation and a person thinking that they will never have any friends. An individual with a personality disorder may feel as if there is no hope for escaping the problems caused by their personality and may consider suicide.

The bottom line is that if you have a personality disorder, you are at increased risk of suicide. The personality disorder that is most associated with increased suicide risk is that of borderline personality disorder (BPD).This disorder is characterized by impulsive behavior, difficulty regulating emotions, and instability in relationships.


[If you have a prevention of suicide for those who have personality disorders, mention it below in the comments.]

- Talking with a therapist or counselor. Interacting with partners, colleagues, schoolmates, friends, parents and others can help a person feel secure. (In case you don't have anyone to talk to, please message us.)

- Being patient and careful with someone with personality disorder.

- Understanding personality disorder to help them.

- Not judging someone on the basis of their caste, religion, country, race, color, appearance or otherwise.
(In case you don't like something about a person, say it to hem nicely instead of rejecting them.)

- Approaching people with personality disorders should be done with great care.


Thank you for reading. Feedback is welcome.

— Team no_suicide

MissManagerK (admin)

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