Chapter 6: No Idea What Else To Do

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Your POV:

I feel myself waking up and try to roll over, but I'm stopped by Jin's arms and legs around me. I open my eyes and and smile as they meet the deep brown eyes of Jin. He smiles back, but then I hear an unfamiliar voice yelling in the lounge room and the events off last night rush back to me. My eyes glaze with tears and Jin's eyes become startled. "Is it the morning already?" I whisper, trying to block out the yelling. Jin nods and and pulls me closer. He puts his chin on the top of my head and starts humming. I hold tight onto his t shirt and try to listen to his soothing voice but I just can't. "You know what (y/n)? How bout I go make us some breakfast?" He pulls apart and looks me in the eyes. He props himself up on his arm in an attempt to stand, but I grab his shirt in panic. "D-don't leave me. Please." His eyes search mine like they're trying to find some kind of answer. He sighs and gives a small, yet comforting smile. "Alright," he mutters, before laying back down and pulling me in again.

I bite my lip as my mind can't help but to race. Is Yoongi ok? What's going to happen to Jeongguk? What's going to happen to me? Am I going to have to find somewhere else to stay? "Clear your mind," Jin whispers as if he knew exactly what was going on in my head. I feel his hand move up to my head and run his fingers through my hair. I shut my eyes and cherish the feeling. After a few more moments of silence, I break it. "Do you think... do you think Yoongi's ok?" The question rolls off my tongue and almost feels like a release. Right now, it feels like it's the most important question in the world. "Of course," Jin reassures without a falter in his confidence. That's what I like about Jin. He's always so sure of everything.

Then, the door clicks open and I sit up immediately. I whip my head in the direction of the door, only to see Yoongi, hands in pockets and a bruised neck from where I assume Jeongguk's hands were. My hands fly to my mouth and a feeling I can only describe as choking on air hits me and tears take over my eyes. I throw the blanket off, just as I did last night, but this time not out of panic. Instead, out of a kind of eagerness and concern.

Yoongi opens his arms and I run into them, crashing into him. I bury my head into his chest and all I can do is cry. I hear a low, tired chuckle erupt from him and can't help but to return one. He pulls away and grabs my shoulder, crouching to eye level. He adorns a lop sided smile, one that makes my heart pound just that bit faster. "I'm fine, (y/n), really. You don't need to worry about me." For some reason, this gives my tears more motivation to fall. Yoongi sighs and pulls me in again.

Yoongi's POV

Something strikes me in the chest as I hear her sob. I rub her back and rest my chin on her head and as she cries. I look over at the bed where Jin is. He looks back, an unreadable emotion in his eyes. All his does is nod my way, then slowly push off the bed and walk out. I pull away from the hug as the door closes and look down at her. Tears staining her cheeks which I've only seen push up into a smile up until now. Her usually gleaming (e/c) eyes now dark and sad. Her lips quivering and her eyebrows furrowed. I can't take seeing her sad like this and knowing that I'm the cause of her pain hits me harder.

I place a hand gently on either side of her face and hold her cheeks, trying with all I can to muster up an encouraging smile. "Please, don't cry. I'd much rather see a smile on that pretty face of yours." Her eyes meet mine as I use my thumbs to wipe away her tears. Her cheeks, now void of tears push up into that I smile I love so much. Her eyes begin to gleam again and entrap me, pulling me in and making my mind want more. The corners of her lips are pulled up into a small grin and her eyebrows are no longer furrowed. "Well, I wouldn't say it's pretty, but each to their own I guess," she says jokingly, and I can't help but feel a wide grin take over my face. There she is, I have my (y/n) back.

Jungkook's POV

I sit, my legs tight together and my hands clasped securely in my lap. At this point, the couch that I'm sitting on has been forgotten. The living room around me has been forgotten. The people who are yelling at me have been forgotten, along with their voices. Everything has been forgotten except for the look of indefinite fear on Yoongi's face from last night. My mind is refusing to accept what I've done. I haven't lashed out like that in years. Hell, I haven't done anything slightly disrespectful, apart from when we're all joking around. I respect Yoongi with all I have and now I have no idea if our friendship will ever be the same or will even ever be mended. I cherished our bond and now I've so carelessly ripped it apart and thrown it on the floor. I don't think I could ever forgive myself. I don't deserve to be here anymore. Not in the group, not in this dorm, not in any of the friendships I've made over the years. I don't deserve... anyone. And I don't think I want to be in any kind of relationship with anyone anymore because I'll just end up hurting them anyway. I sigh, remembering the feeling of a single tear rolling down my cheek. Then, remembering the people who are yelling at me, along with their voices. Then the living room around me. Then the couch that I'm sitting on. I continue to sit, my legs tight together and my hands clasped securely in my lap, because I have no idea what else to do.


Hey guys! Surprise. I know I said I'd update tomorrow but I couldn't sleep so I pumped out a chapter. I hope you like this chapter and I hope that it's even remotely good enough. I'm slowly getting back into the feeling of writing, specifically fanfic. I have been writing in my down time, but nothing to do with fanfic. I use it more as a release. Like, lyrics to songs that I might one day finish, or even just what I'm feeling straight up. Also, I'm so incredibly overwhelmed by your reactions to my previous author's note. Even though, yes, there were only few that commented, the ones that did really made my night. I was expected to me bombarded with hate but I wasn't and that makes me really happy. Aaaanyway, enough about me I spoke about myself a lot in the last chapter and I don't really like doing it, so, I won't. Also, don't worry, the book won't stay in this kind of... um... mood? Like, kinda... sad? If you get what I mean? I will bring the fluff back eventually and, as I've said, I plan to make this book a long one so there will be plenty of time for that. And I will start including the boys who haven't really appeared much so, again, don't worry too much if your bias hasn't been too prominent in the story, we'll get there. And finally, I'm always up for suggestions! If you have an idea for the story feel free to DM me and I will most likely add it in because I feel that reader contribution is important. That's about it for now, I'll get working on the next chapter and I'm glad to be back.

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