Chapter 4: Love You Too

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Your POV:

I cling to Yoongi's side in contempt, but I can't help but feel that I'm being watched. I feel Yoongi's thumb stroke over my hand. My stomach twirls and I look up at him, still walking. What I don't expect is that he's looking straight back at me with his beautiful brown eyes. They widen as we make eye contact and his breathing hitches, averting his eyes to the path ahead immediately. I smile to myself as the feeling of being watched fades. I look to the path I front of me much like Yoongi, and prepare myself for an afternoon of giggles, playful shoving and Yoongi's bad jokes.

Yoongi's POV

I don't even know where I'm taking her. I just wanted her to myself. And god knows that wouldn't have happened when the boys got home in half an hour. So, yeah, I sorta took her out without telling the boys, but I think it'll be fine. The person I'm most worried about is Jungkook. But, he'll be ok with it, won't he? As long as I get her home safely, which I will. I wouldn't let anything happen to something as precious as her. She tightens her grip on my arm and the corners of my mouth curl up impossibly high into a smile I try not to make obvious. If she holds on any tighter, my face is gonna heat up and explode. Then an idea springs into my head. "You wanna go to the park? They have a place where you can rent sports stuff." I look down at her, only to see her excited face. "Really? I haven't been able to have a kick around with someone in ages!" She jumps up and down a little, making me chuckle. We reach the park and I ask the guy at the counter to look after Kookie, not taking no for an answer. (Y/n) ends up picking the soccer ball. I'm terrible at soccer. "Ready?" She asks as she puts the ball at her feet. "Nope." I say honestly, my usually lazy nature shows. Last time I played soccer I ended up on the ground. "Don't worry. You'll be fine." She smiles. I nod in response, readying myself. I look behind me at my goal. It's pretty far away from the half way line, where I am. It can't be that hard keep her away from it. She then puts her foot on the ball with a wide grin on her face. Uh oh. "What are yo-" But in a blur, she's passed me and is taking off down the field. My eyes widen in shock, but then I pull myself to my senses. "Oh no you don't!" I run as hard as I can, and as I near her, I can hear her laughing. "You're not gonna catch me!" She taunts, making me even more determined. But I just can't seem to catch her. Out of no where, she boots the ball, from quite a distance, and scores. She turns around immediately and flashes a wicked smile. She had kicked the ball that hard, that when it hit the back of the net, it rolled back out. "You give up yet?" She mocks. I respond with an equally wicked grin. "Do you give up yet?" I ask. She gives a confused expression.

Your POV

"What do you mean do I give up ye-" I'm cut off by Yoongi running after me. I squeal and run, a ridiculous smile across my face. I could out run anyone... for maybe 200 metres. I'm like a cheatah. Very fast, but very low stamina. I feel myself slow down, then Yoongi's arms around my waist. He picks me up and tackles me to the floor. With my stomach facing upwards, he straddles me. "What are you doi-" His hands find my sides and he starts tickling me. I react immediately, laughter erupting from my mouth. Words cannot describe the feeling in my chest. His laughter mixing with mine. His hands on my sides. His beautiful eye smile. I then realise that I should probably start fighting back. I start grabbing at his arms and pushing at his shoulders, all in a useless effort. An idea spring into my head. I put my arms around his neck and pull him closer, he stops immediately, his eyes widening. A layer of pink dusts his pale cheeks, our foreheads touching. I grin evilly, then flip him over. "The tables have turned Min Yoongi." I then go for his neck, knowing that it's his weak spot, curtesy of Jeongguk. He immediately starts fighting back in a fit of laughter. "DAMMIT JUNGKOOK!" He yells in defeat, knowing very well he told me. Out of no where, he pulls me down on top of him. I'm caught by surprise, and all I can do is stare into his inquisitive eyes, my arms around his neck. An eternity of staring is cut off by a meow. I look to my right, and a grumpy kookie is staring at us. I shift my eyes to the sport equipment place and see that the worker isn't there anymore. "Rude." I huff, earning a small chuckle from Yoongi. "What are you laughing at Min?" I roll off him and lay by his side, my head on his chest. "Nothing. There's just so much sass in such a small person." His chest vibrates as he laughs. "Says you!" I rebut with a smile on my face. "Hey! I'm not that small!" I just roll my eyes with a smirk. I feel kookie climb onto us. I welcome him, but then remember Yoongi doesn't like cats. "Sorry kookie, but you know Yoongi doesn't l-" Yoongi starts petting him. "He's alright." Yoongi smiles and so do I. I nuzzle into his chest. This is nice. I haven't had this in a while. Peace.

Yoongi's POV

I feel so contempt. (Y/n) by my side. I feel like I could conquer the world. Then she speaks. "I used to do this with Jeongguk all the time, cloud gazing." My heart crumbles. Jungkook. She always brings him up. Why. He's not here. It's us. Me and her. Her and I. Not Jungkook. "We should go." I say bluntly. "Huh?" She asks, a sadness in her tone. "We should go home." I sit up and put the cat on the floor. She looks up at me, her eyes pleading. "Why?" Her voice comes out so small. I feel like a monster. She's just been through something so tough and now I'm being a jealous ass hole. I sigh. "Wouldn't want mr grumpy Jeon to get us in trouble now would we?" I smile through my fringe, hoping and praying that she hasn't just been torn from me permanently by my stupidity. A small smile grows on her face. "Yeah. He does get grumpy sometimes." She remarks. I smile back at her, sticking my hands out to help her up. She gladly accepts, her small hands in mine. We link arms and make our way home, kookie not far behind us. "What's the time?" She asks tiredly. "7:30." I say after checking my phone. "7:30? Jees. Jeongguk might be a bit upset. I'll calm him down though. Well, I'll try." She whispers the last part, making me think. What has she seen that she need to know how to calm him down? She was only... what? 10 when he left? "Today was fun Yoongs." She grins up at me, sending my heart to heaven. "Yeah. It was." I return my eyes to the path reluctantly. Because, hell, who wouldn't wanna stare at her all day. She rests her head on my arm, tightening her grip as the chilling wind swoops by. I put an arm around her instinctively. We reach the dorm and I open the door, stepping inside. I turn to face her. "Seems like everyone's in bed early." I whisper, noticing the lights are off. "Yeah." She looks up at me with a soft smile and desperate eyes. Her eyes start to water and I instantly freak. "What's wro-" She launches herself at me and engulfs me in a hug. "Thank you." She whispers into my chest. I hold her and listen. "I haven't had a legitimate good day in a while." She chokes out. I feel tears sting my eyes. I kiss the top of her head. "Anytime. Now I think it's time for bed. You had a big day too." She smiles at me and nods, wiping her tears. She starts walking down the hall, kookie right behind. I stare as she stops, not turning around. "Love you Yoongs. Goodnight." My eyes widen as she walks into Jungkook's room. I look to the floor and repeat it in my head. I look back up. "Love you too."

Your POV

I walk into Jeongguk's room, surprised to see him still awake, his big doe eyes staring at me filled with rage. "Hey." I say cautiously, kicking my shoes off. "Hey? Hey? Where have you been?! I've been worried sick!" I roll my eyes. "You know I was with Yoongi." I shimmy my pants off and pull on my pyjama pants, not caring he's in the room and counting on Taehyung being asleep. I turn around, only to see him red faced. He shakes his head, almost bringing him back to reality. "Don't be smart. What were you doing with Yoongi?" He presses. I pull back the covers and sit next to him in bed. "Why do you feel the need to know everything? I was safe wasn't I?" I lie down, but he pulls me back up. I shudder. "His smart ass attitude has really rubbed off on you and I don't like it. Since when do you speak to me like that?" I immediately want to take away everything I just said. "Look-" "No. Where is he? MIN YOONGI!" He storms out of the room and my eyes water. Not again.


yo guys um im an actual cock head because i never update and im sorry. i said this last time, but i would rather put out quality (not like this is anyway) than update a lot and it be shit im in a bad mood im sick im tired and also people always comment for me to update and in a way that puts me off. i dont know why but it makes me angry when people feel the need to comment 'update'. That's it. 'Update'. Like yes, I know I have to update, but those comments aren't gonna make me update it's gonna make me put it off more. I know I sound like a total asshole but I get angry to the point that I cry when I can't thing of anything to write because I feel bad. Enough of the sob story, I'm reallly really really really really really really really really really really really sorry. Like really sorry. Enjoy whatever I just wrote.

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