Chapter 3: Feelings?

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Quickly before this chapter starts:
1- the picture is sorta what I'd imagine he'd be wearing idek
2- there's a long ass author's note at the end of this chapter just warning you

Your POV:

I wave the boys goodbye with a smile. "See you soon." Yoongi grins. "I'll be waiting." I laugh jokingly, both of us knowing well that I can't go anywhere anyway. I watch until every last one of them is out the door, before I let out a shaky breath. "I gotta get used to this if I wanna stay with them." Hearing kookie purr in my arms, I walk back into the bedroom I woke up in. Placing Kookie gently on to the bed, I flop down next to him, earning an annoyed growl because I just bounced him off the bed. "Oops." I laugh. He leaps back on, giving me a glare, then lays back down and shuts his eyes. I turn over lazily to face the roof. "So this is our life now." I breathe, trying to take it in. "Sharing a dorm with bangtan can't be that bad. I mean, I love their music, they've welcomed me with open arms..." Kookie meows loudly as if telling me to shut up. "Oh shush mr grumpy pants." I sit up with a sigh. "What am I supposed to do until Yoongi gets home?" Finding my feet, I make my way to the lounge room. My eyes immediately find the PlayStation 4. "Yes! A nextgen console!" I run and dive over the back of the lounge, then continuing on to skim through the games they have. "Dragon ball Xenoverse 2... Mass Effect... Hitman... Hah! Uncharted 4!" I put in the disk, take a controller and plop down on to the lounge. I get jumpy just seeing the loading screen. In the silence, I hear my stomach rumble surprisingly loudly. Pushing off the lounge, I make my way to the kitchen. I open the fridge and stare blankly. "Where is the food? We had food this morning." I huff, my brows furrowing. "There is close to nothing in this fridge." I throw my arms up. Hearing another growl from my stomach, I waddle over to the cupboard. I open the doors, but to no avail. "They need to go shopping." I mutter, before remembering the game was starting. I shuffle back to the lounge, plonking down and taking the controller in my hand. I start a new game on the next vacant save file, just to be safe. The game begins with Nate, the main character, and his older brother on a speed boat. The sequence was intense. I manage to shake the enemy off by ramming into their smaller boats, but our boat ends up flipping. The last thing I see is black. Being interested, my grip on the controller becomes more firm. "And that was just the introduction. Naughty Dog (the game creators), you've outdone yourselves this time." After a couple of hours of messing around with the game, I hear the front door click open. 'Home already?' I choose to ignore it, knowing it's just Yoongi walking in. Me being in the weird position on the couch I am, which is my legs on the back with my head hanging off upside down, I don't really take offence to the deep chuckle Yoongi lets out. "What are you doing?" His amused voice comes from behind the couch. He plonks down next to me, forcing me to sit up like a normal person. "Nothin much really... But where did all the food go? I could've sworn there was some in the kitchen this morning." I ask, my eyes never leaving the game, until I hear the crinkling of paper bags and smell (favourite take out). My eyes glow and Yoongi smiles as I take the bag graciously. "Jeongguk told me this was your favourite." He takes the now free controller, and continues from where I left off. After a while of silence, he finally speaks up. "So... I don't really know much about you... And since you're gonna be living with us for a while..." He leaves his sentence open ended. "Well... There's not really much to say... Um..."

Yoongi's POV

I look over at her as she furrows her brows in thought, looking down at her food. "Well.. My favourite colour is (f/c)..." She smiles nervously, her shoulders slightly shrugged, not knowing what to say. I chuckle as I watch her face redden. I pause the game as an idea pops into my head. "It's only like... Lunch time. How bout we go for a walk? Just around the local park I mean. Some fresh air will be good for you." She looks down at her food, then back up at me, forcing me to raise an eyebrow. "What?" I ask with a small laugh. "Can I at least finish my food first?" She asks with a cheeky grin. I sigh and return the grin. "No! Of course not!" Sarcasm drips in my tone. She pushes me playfully, causing us both to giggle. "Just hurry up. I wanna leave before the others come back." I push off the lounge, then my eyes widen at what I just said. "Uh... Why exactly?" She asks from the lounge behind me. I turn around swiftly. "N-no reason. I-I just thought... Uh..." She looks at me expectedly and I can feel my face heating up. Min yoongi she's a teenager. Stop. Collect yourself. "I just thought that... You know... It'd be better to get to know each other. You know? As apposed to trying to get to know everyone all at once." Satisfied with my own lie, I turn on my heel quickly, rushing to the room I share with Jimin. I crash on to my bed, burying my face into the very welcoming pillow, kicking my shoes off in the process. I sigh. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I mutter to myself. After about 10 minutes of self pity, I hear a small knock at the door. "Yoongi?" (Y/n)'s now small voice calls. "It's not locked." I say. What am I doing? I don't even let other members in here. Well, besides Jimin, but we share a room I have no choice. I hear a soft flop onto Jimin's bed, and I see her soft (e/c) eyes staring into mine. She had managed to lie in the exact same position as me. "Are we still going?" She asks softly. My eyes widen. "O-oh! I forgot about that. Yeah." I push off the bed, and so does she. I slip my shoes back on. As we step out of the bed room, the cat meows at us from the front door, as if he wants us to leave. I've never liked cats. "Kookie!" She laughs, running to him and picking him up in her arms. "We're not that bad, are we?" She jokes as if the cat knows what she's saying. It meows back. I shove my hands in my jean pockets and walk over to the frond door. "Let's go." I say, opening the front door. "We can't just leave kookie here by himself!" She frowns. I look at her in confusion. "C'mon Yoongi! He won't get lost or annoy us! He's like a dog. Only smarter." I see the sincere worry for her cat in her shining eyes. And that's the only reason I care for this cat at all at the moment. Her. Sighing, I motion with my arm out the door. She smiles contemptibly. "Thanks Yoongs." The cat prances out the door in triumph and (y/n) follows close behind. "Yoongs?" I whisper to myself at the introduction of the new nick name she's given me. I stand in the door way and contemplate it. Halfway down the stairs she looks back up at me. "You coming?" She laughs. I shake my head to get back to reality. "Yeah! Sorry!" I rush down to where she is. We start walking and I feel a small, warm hand slip into mine. My breathing hitches and I look down at her. "I don't really like crowded places... Don't wanna get lost." She states genuinely. In that moment, I feel satisfied. I really mean something to her. I make her feel safe. And I don't really care that satan, or cat, same thing, is sitting on me. And I don't feel like questioning how on Earth this cat can sit like that. All I care about is how much fun today is going to be.


Hey guys! You have no idea how sorry I am for not updating. I love reading the comments and it broke my heart when I saw that I was disappointing you guys for not updating. This community is like family and your comments always make me laugh. So, I will work diligently to keep a proper update schedule. I did a lot of sport, but, I recently 'retired' from my most important sport and now it has opened up so much time for me and I plan to use it for updating more. I know it sounds stupid but I really want to update this book because I love it as much as you guys do and I'm really proud of it and I have big plans. So! I just want you guys to know that I love you all and I hope you're all happy with the standard of this chapter, because I know I'm not. Another thing I want to address is the feedback I get from some readers. I get some comments about how my book is wrong and the age gap is wrong etc. I get where they're coming from, but I feel like that's more of thing they should say in dm. I don't know if it's just me, but, that's how I feel. As I said previously, I'm really proud of this book so far and I understand if you don't like the idea of my book, but, am I forcing you to read it? No. Find another book. You don't like the story? Find another book. You feel offended by my work? Find another book. And I ask you guys, the readers, if you see these comments, don't respond. And if you do, respond as nicely as you can. If you insult them back it's just gonna fuel the fire. Also, the next chapter is gonna kill all yoongi biased ARMYs bc he's adorable. Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely day/ night and know that I'm here to talk to. See you in the next chapter!

 See you in the next chapter!

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