7 It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester: Part 1

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October 29th - November 1st, 2008

Our next case started out with a news article titled, Man Found Dead After Eating Halloween Candy. The story was about a man, Luke Wallace, who had been found dead by his wife. The strange part was that she had just left him moments before, only to come back and find him in a pool of his own blood, coughing up razor blades.

Sam and Dean went to Luke's house to talk to his wife. They found out that Luke had somehow swallowed four razor blades. Two were on the floor, one was in his stomach, and one was stuck in his throat when she found him. They also found out that to her knowledge, Luke wasn't hated or having an affair, but Dean found a hex bag hidden under their table, so something wasn't lining up.

Back at our motel, I sat on a bed, and Sam sat on the couch while we researched what was in the hex bag and waited for Dean to get back from the store with food.

Eventually, the door opened, and Dean walked in. He pulled a bag of Halloween candy out of his groceries and tossed it to me.

"Aw, yeah!" I smiled and ripped open the bag.

Dean walked over, and we dug through the bag together, each popping candy into our mouths and smiling happily at each other.

"Really?" Sam asked.

We looked over at him to see him sitting there with an extremely judgemental face.

"After that guy choked down all those razor blades?" he asked.

"It's Halloween, man," Dean said, with a mouthful of chocolate.

I nodded. "Which means candy."

"Yeah, for us every day is Halloween," Sam said.

Dean rolled his eyes and sat down on the arm of the couch. "Don't be a downer." He nodded to Sam's research. "Anything interesting?"

"Well, we're on a witch hunt, that's for sure, but this isn't your typical hex bag." Sam pointed to the bag that sat on the coffee table.

The bag had a silver coin, a small, charred bone, and a dried-up flower.

"Hmm, no?" Dean asked.

Sam picked up the dried flower. "Goldthread, an herb that's been extinct for two hundred years. And this..." He picked up the silver coin. "Is Celtic, and I don't mean some new age knock-off. It looks like the real deal, like six hundred years old real."

Dean picked up the charred bone and sniffed it.

"Uh, that's actually a charred metacarpal bone of a newborn baby," I said.

"Ugh." Dean put the bone down, looking absolutely disgusted. "Gross."

Sam picked up the bone. "Relax, man, it's like, at least a hundred years old."

"Oh, right, like that makes it better? Witches, man, they're so friggin' skeevy." Dean shivered as he moved to the chair next to the couch and sat down.

"Yeah, well, it takes a pretty powerful one to put a bag like this together. More juice than we've ever dealt with, that's for sure." Sam sighed. "What about you? Find anything on the victim?"

"This Luke Wallace? He was so vanilla that he made vanilla seem spicy," Dean said.

Sam scoffed.

Dean shrugged. "I can't find any reason why somebody would want this guy dead."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Later that night, Sam and Dean got a call from the local police department. Apparently, a teenage girl named Jenny had been boiled alive while bobbing for apples. Jenny had gone to a party with her friend Tracy, who Sam and Dean were able to talk to. Tracy told them that she had bobbed for apples right before Jenny, but the water wasn't hot, it wasn't even warm.

Maddison Winchester: Journal 4 {Supernatural}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz